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"The Ferret Mailing List (FML)" <[log in to unmask]>
"Michelle P." <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 19 Feb 1994 00:47:51 -0500
"The Ferret Mailing List (FML)" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (57 lines)
Hi All,
  I just wanted to write a few things tonight that I thought were of
importance.  I've noticed of late, that there are some requests for
information concerning momma Ferret's in labor, troubles and so forth.
Well, First I want to say that I have been breeding ferret's for 5 years, and
I have been around them for 5 more years prior to that, I do not claim to
know all there is about Ferret's by no means, and I am open to learn all I
can to be a better breeder and a better owner, those are my goals.
My concerns are... I am getting the impression that the people are not aware
of the problems that can result in pregnancy, and labor of the Jill's.
 Wouldn't it be a good idea to know the facts, and hazards to your Jill
before you breed them or let them get bred?  Why get into something without
the full benefit of knowledge?
There is too much information/Books/ people to talk with,  to get the
important info before there is no turning back.
Here are a few problems that can and often do arise, I'm not the all knowing,
and I am sure others can add a few more to the list.
1. Mother Ferret fails to Lactate, or not enough.
2. Mastitis/ Infected Mammary glands
3. Internal Infections, Bladder or Uterine.
4. Re-absorption of kits,
5. A kit dies inside, another cause of #  6
6. Toxemia / Eclampsia
7. Cannibalism, or just killing them.
8. Accidental removal of limbs or tails.
9. Mother's completely uninterested in the kits, and not performing her
duties, or they lay on the kits & smother them.
10.Flacid Uterus, or failure to have contractions.
11. And also the chances of still born kits, wich will leave mom without kits
to nurse and within a week she will go into heat again.
This list is by no means complete, I just felt like I should say something, I
may step on some toes here, but it doesn't matter,
No body should be breeding ANY animal without the knowledge of health risks,
or the plain facts.
After all, they are OUR pets, We are the thinkers, they are not wild, they do
not breed strictly because it is the nature of the beast, We control the
breeding in our pets, we should be smart enough, and responsible enough to do
so, and be aware of the possible dangers or consequences, Wether it be dog,
cat, ferret, whatever.
(I'll probably get all kinds of 'Heat' mail for this, I can almost feel the
flames now.)
Well off my proverbial Soap box!
I am truly sorry if I hurt some feelings.
Michelle and The MASKeteer's:-)
[Posted in FML issue 0734]