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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 9502 6854 40 22_Dr Willimas: Re Bailey20_Todd & Andi [log in to unmask], 10 Feb 1995 21:57:50 -0400582_- Dr Williams,

I want to thank you for your advice - we called our vet (Dr. Edling), have
put her on keflex & carfate, and have an appointment for a CXR Sat.

Since the mishap on Wed, her health has gone down hill - we've been having
trouble with bloody stools, and refusal to eat or drink (whichs been in rare form these past several weeks. I
even introduced her to raisins (thanks FML). She is such a finicky eatter
(Meow Mix or NOTHING). At first, she ate a couple raisins and seemed to
like them. But now, politely takes them from me [...]46_12Oct199409:53:34-0400(EDT)[log in to unmask] 9410 3742 8 8_So Sorry16_colm tracy [log in to unmask], 12 Oct 1994 09:03:26 -0500 (CDT)234_- I'm sorry if I ruffled any feathers with the article on Sea Lions. Just
for your info, I do know the difference between Sea Lions and Ferrets. I
just thought.. anyway, it won't happen again. Tracy
[Posted in FML issue 0981]49_12Oct199409:03:26-0500(CDT)[log in to unmask] 9410 3751 25 19_Bad odors from [log in to unmask], 12 Oct 94 11:00:36 EST557_- Re: Bad odors from ears:

There are all gradations of "bad odors". What smells bad to one person
may be okay for another, and may even be normal for a ferret. Ferrets have
large numbers of scent glands in and around the ears which may produce a heavy
scent. Also, ferrets with a large buildup of ear wax, from various causes, can
also have a heavy odor to them. And then there is the occasional bacterial or
yeast infection in the ear, which usually follows a precipitating cause - ear
mites, water in the ears,etc. [...]45_12Oct9411:00:[log in to unmask] 9410 3777 45 13_Re: Proglycem9_Mark [log in to unmask], 12 Oct 1994 08:56:54 -0700 (PDT)401_- > Proglycem, also called diazoxide, is a diuretic that for unknown
>reasons decreases the response of the body to the effects of insulin. It
>will help in medically treated cases, but as I always say, surgical
>treatment is the first and best defense. In older animals or animals
>that have recently had the surgery and a tumor was not found, it is an
>option. [...]42_12Oct199408:56:54-0700(PDT)[log in to unmask] 9410 3823 30 13_Ferret Noises20_Christopher D. [log in to unmask], 12 Oct 1994 12:00:54 -0500630_- Hello World!

I have been on the FML for quite a while and have sat silent about the
following ignorance of mine. I would like to set it straight. When
we are talking about ferret noises what exactly are the Dook-Dook,
Cluck-Cluck, hissing, chuckling, chittering, and other noises? Are they

My ferret, Snoopy, hisses when we play tug-of-war or when she seems
frustrated about something (i.e. not being able to fit a huge sponge
through the hole to her hidy-place). Another ferret owner was
playing with Snoop and heard her make a funny noise when he rubbed her
belly. [...]44_12Oct199412:00:[log in to unmask] 9410 3854 35 50_Ferret lifespans (posting from Debbie & Tas.Devil)[log in to unmask] Oct 1994 12:44:02 -0500 (CDT)572_- Debbie --
You'll probably get alot of replies on this one! Our ferrets have lived for
8 and 10 years respectively (i.e., two that died). They certainly slow down
noticeably after 3-4 years of age, but they are far from senile! How long
a ferret will live depends on many factors, some of them beyond your control.
I know that rabbits kept in inadequate cages are regarded as having a
lifespan of ~5 years, whereas pet rabbits of the same strains, kept in
more spacious quarters live for up to 15 years! I suspect that the same
would be true [...][log in to unmask] 9410 3890 25 [log in to unmask]
Wed, 12 Oct 1994 08:59:33 -0600
text/plain (17 lines)
To Dr. Williams,
All this buzz about flea collars.  I wanted to ask you about the PetGaurd
Herbal flea collar that I posted about last issue.  This collar contains no
pesticides.  It is impregnated with natural insect repellent oils that
smell nice and have caused no irritation or redness on Klinger's neck.
Klinger even seems to mind his collar less than the harness I use to take
him on walks.
I've found this collar to be a safe way to supplement the twice yearly
foggers that seem unavoidable.  Do you have any input?
Thanks in advance,
Morgan and Klinger (sable ~2yrs, wants to get out of the army and his bedroom)
[Posted in FML issue 0981]