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"The Ferret Mailing List (FML)" <[log in to unmask]>
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 19 May 1994 16:33:53 -0400
"The Ferret Mailing List (FML)" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
During the past couple of weeks I've sent several messages to the FML
regarding my daughter's ferret Albert.  After reading these messages and
the responses she decided she would like to post a few questions of her own
and say a few words on he own behalf.  Since she is not yet proficient with
an ASCII only editor I have transcribed her questions and comments from
hand written notes.  I did take some minor liberties for clarity's sake
but what follows is pretty much as she wrote it.  The comments inside
square bracket are mine.
1.  How do you clean a ferret's ears?  How often?
    [Our vet suggested hydrogen peroxide for our dog's ears.
    Would that be safe? -c]
2.  On walking on a leash:  I once read that it's supposed to be
    impossible to get them to "walk" on a leash; i.e., not just hang
    out with one on.  But Albert picked it up himself.  He loves people
    and will follow anyone or anything around.  He didn't walk on a
    leash when he was younger, but he does now at about 8 months.  And
    he is totally self taught, doing it of his own free will.
3.  Please thank the people on the FML for the info [re: SF Bay Area vets
    & dangers of Ferret free CA -c].  Your daughter promises to be more
    careful.  She is not some airhead dimwit unworthy ferret owner.  She
    _worships_ Albert- he is the bright spot in her life- it's only that
    she loves him so much she can't resist taking him everywhere with
    her.  She plans to be much more careful, but would re-locate out of
    state if there was ever any question of giving him up.  So there I
    do love Albert and would never purposely put him in jeopardy.
4.  Are there clubs or organizations in California that I can get
    personally involved with that:
     -are concerned with changing California laws and educating the
      public regarding ferrets.
     -are just for ferret lovers where I could share Albert with others.
      I find him so irresistible and wonderful that I can't help wanting
      to share him.  [in the Bay area, I assume. -c]
[Posted in FML issue 0833]