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Thu, 24 Jul 2014 22:16:59 -0400
Greeter 421 <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (96 lines)
Greeting for Callie

It had been very hot and muggy at the Bridge and even The Receiving
Angel had trouble keeping his wings dry. Bluebird was panting and
trying to fine a cool spot, but she was not having much luck.

The newest arrivals for the past several months were waiting at the
Bridge for greetings and family, but the Bridge Greeters were melting
and several had to take a short leave.

One little ferret named Callie sat over on a cloud alone. Bluebird
flew over to see what was the matter. Callie was trying not to look
too sad, but Bluebird knew a sad ferret when she saw one.

"What is the matter," Bluebird chirped. "How can I help you feel happy

Callie looked at Bluebird and tried to smile. "I miss Coco Bean and
Casanova. When they were not at home anymore, I was told they were at
the Bridge. Now, I'm at the Bridge and they are nowhere to be found.
We was always playing together and now, there is just me."

"Okay -- hold on for a minute," Bluebird chirped. "I'll go ask Oliver
if he knows where they are. Bluebird had seen Oliver headed towards
the creek on his way to the Gate. Bluebird flew down to the creek and
Oliver was still there, up to his neck in the cool water.

"Hi Bluebird." He called.

"Why don't you join me for a swim?" "Because I have work to do and I
need your help. Do you remember CoCo Bean or Casanova? They passed
over a while ago."

Oliver thought for a minute then he said, "Oh yeh -- as soon as those
two got together the raisin patch became a race track. Spot a raisin
race to get it first. Why do you want them?"

Bluebird told Oliver that Callie had been camping at the bridge for a
while and no one told them she was here. "She is very sad and while No.
421 has been down, we need to take care of this."

Oliver did not want to leave the cool water, but he scampered out and
grabbed his towel. "Okay, okay, I'll be ready in a minute. Do you want
to ride on my shoulder or is it cooler to fly?"

Bluebird thought a minute and decided a ride would be nice. Besides,
Oliver was cool from the creek so that would keep the feet nice and
cool. "If you don't mind, it is to hot to fly so I'll ride on your

The two friends arrived at the Bridge. "Hi Callie" Oliver waved and
motioned Bluebird to fly away. She was a cutie and the last thing he
needed was her to think he carried a bird around.

"I'm really sorry, Callie" Oliver said. "We have been so shorted
handed but, I can take you to your family now so put a smile on that
cute face and lets go"

Oliver led the way to the raisin patch, and waited until he saw a few
leaves move. "You wait here while I go get them," he said. "I don't
want you to get yourself scratched up." Oliver went quietly up to
the moving leaves and peeked under. Sure enough, there were the two
ferrets, each one had a bag of raisins and was chomping on a mouthful.

"Hey CoCoBean" yelled Oliver. "Don't eat all those raisins, Callie is
here and she might like some."

"Callie is here, really here," CoCoBean said. "Hurry up, take us to
her Man -- I can't wait to see her."

Saying that, he closed up his bag and scampered over Oliver leaving
footprints all over his clean shirt. Casanova followed him and the two
went running as fast as they could to the Bridge. "Callie, Callie, here
we come," shouted CoCoBean. "We brought you raisins." Callie smiled a
beautiful smile and the three ferrets hugged each other in a group hug.
Even the Receiving Angel had a tear in his eye. Oliver came up the path
with Bluebird flying beside him. As he came upon the happy threesome,
Casanova reached into his bag and gave Oliver one raisin.

"Here Man -- I'd give you more but now that Callie is here, we will
need them all for supper."

Callie gave Oliver a big smile while she hugged Casanova and CoCoBean.
The three ferrets went off to their home for the night to catch up on
all the fun things that had happened on both sides of the bridge.

Oliver asked The Receiving Angel to send this little note back to
earth. Callie is fine, the happy threesome are together again and
will wait for their earthly family to come and pick them up.

Oliver started home. Hopefully No. 421 was home now and had supper
started. One little raisin was not going to fill him up.

[Posted in FML 8156]