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Fri, 12 Jul 2013 05:53:38 -0400
Sue Pyron <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)

Dis be Miss Ruby agin. I gotted sumpthin so, so funny to tell ya!!

Da odder day when my mama was typin at da puter, she felted a bite on
her foot (snicker snicker) CODYYYY!!!!! (my brudder) stop! she said.
(she didn't hav ta look down cuz she knew it was Cody cuz he be always
bitin her foots when she be on da puter!. I tink it be part her fault
for taganizin him wit her naked foots!!) Anyways, den, it happened agin
an she said CODYYYY!!!!!!!!even louder but dis time she looked down by
her feet, Snicker snicker, It wasn't no Cody!!!!!Ha ha ha ha!!!! It be
ME! bitin on her foot!!! I played a trick on Mama!! I be laughin so
hard!! She taught it be Cody bitin her foot and it BE ME!!!! An Mama,
mama started gittin dos tear tings agin (my sister Holly-bear who
passed from da lumpfom called dem dat so I do too!) but she said she
was havin dem cuz she be SO happy dat I be doin a regular healthy
ferret thing, even dough I have da lumpfoma!! (member my las ledder
I told you dat my dr tinks imy lumpfoma is in permission an I feels
pretty good right now?) Silly Mama, I jus don unnerstand, she gets da
wet tings when she be sad, and she gets em when she be happy! What am
I gonna do wit dat Mama?? I just guess I be havin to love her more dan
she luvs me, but dat would be almos impossible cuz my mama luvs me so
much more den da hole world!!!!!!!! I luvs my mama very, very much. I
be so happy I played dat trick on her! ha ha ha ha oh dat gives me da
giggles jus thinkin bout it!!!!!!

Whew, I be tired typin dis much, I gotsta go rest.Tanks for readin bout
my funny trick on Mama!!!!!



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