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Sun, 13 Jan 2013 17:29:35 -0500
Brenda Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (136 lines)
Sarah Senior Reporter 
Daisy Cub Reporter
January 2013

Sarah here: The ferretone bottle has been popped, the glitter and
balloons have fallen, a new year has begun! We are celebrating the
New Year this month with Sue Burda's newest shelter design. Thanks
Miss Sue for all you do for us! The Andy and Possum design will
return to our news letter in February.

Daisy Here: Oh for Petes sake will you get on with it Sarah just say
your Happy New Year greeting so we can get going? We have a ton of
things to report this month!

The first thing we need to say is take a look at all our supporters
once again all that we accomplished we accomplished because of YOU!
Miss Tori and Miss Sheilla make it public. Well me and Sarah do too!

Sarah here: My turn! We got so many presents for Christmas from all
over the world, Australia, Ireland, Canada and the US wow we are very
lucky fur kids! We want to thank all the humans that make the Giving
Tree a reality for all the shelter kids out there. You do a fantastic
job getting the word out for folks that wish to help the fur kids in
shelters! We hope we did not work you too hard. Another successful
Giving Season under your belts! For the secret Santa's you guys rock
every present that came in the door for us is just what we wanted
thank you soooo much for helping our Mum take care of us!

Daisy Here: One morning Mum found a mass on the bottom of Mombo's right
foot, Mum knew she needed to get him in to our favorite doc to have it
removed ASAP the poor little guy could not stand on his foot. It looked
like the head of a cauliflower, the size of a pea. It appeared to be
hanging by a tiny piece of skin like a stalk, Doc called it a special
name but we can't remember what that was.

Mum called Miss Jackie to ask her if she could help get Mombo into Doc
next week. Miss Jackie called Mum to say Doc is going to see him at 4
that afternoon. She got him in, the mass removed and home before Mum
had the shelter shut down for the night! Thanks Miss Jackie for helpen
Mombo get better! You are a great ferret taxi driver!

Sarah here: Miss Donna and Miss Marcia came to help on Mum's birthday,
when they got things caught up in the shelter they took Mum out to
lunch at a place that serves gluten free food, they had a great
birthday celebration. Mum's 2 legged furless granddaughter came to
spend the night/morning with us; she wanted to help Mum take care of
us fur kids. Hannah fell in love with Hammy and Hammy fell in love
with Hannah, they spent a lot of time hanging out together. Hammy
sucking up the love'en that Hannah was dishing out.

Mum was going to take Hannah home but Hannah wanted her mom to come get
her so she could beg to take Hammy home with them. When her mom got
here, Hannah wanted Mum to get Hammy up so her mom Stacy M could see
him. Hannah's big brown eyes were pleading to take him home. Mum told
Hannah he was not going home with her, she would have to take Pickles
too, and her mom and dad do not know how care for ferrets. Mum told
Hannah that Hammy was hers to love and dote on and she could come to
Grandma's to help anytime they can get time off together.

Daisy Here: Miss Stacie K stopped in that same day to bring us our
Christmas present; she buys us a 50# shelter bag of TF every year. Mum
and Miss Stacie K spent a fair amount of time catching up on things,
Miss Stacie K used to watch the shelter for us when Mum went to IFC
events - she now watches Miss Iliana's fur kids for her when needed.
Miss Stacie K and Hannah spent time in the play room visiting ferrets,
while Stacie visited the different ferrets in the room, Hannah held her
Hammy. Once Hannah left for home, Stacie and Mum tackled switching out
the barrier between the kitchen and the dining room. That has needed to
be replaced for sometime, defiantly a 2 person job. Miss Stacie K
helped Mum move the old barrier out and get the new one up. Thanks Miss

Shortly after Miss Stacie left Mr. Charlie and Master Reilly came with
our Christmas too, ferretone and medicine for us! The gang of 5 where
out in the library but sleeping so Mum told Charlie and Reilly they
should go the library to check out who was in there. Oh my when they
got in the room the fur boys must have radar that detects humans, they
started to come out to meet our company!

Sarah here: Charlie and Reilly were at the rice box arms in it playing
with the boys that were in the box - 4 of them at once. Mr. Charlie
called Miss Gail his other half to say they had a Christmas gift for
her, the gang of 5 - if Miss Gail was not so adamant about no more
ferrets the boys would have gone home with Charlie and Reilly that
night. See the Keenen's already have 5 ferrets now, 4 of which came
from here. Master Reilly was telling Mum that they have a Ferret
Nation cage that is not even out of the box so they could easily house
the gang of 5. How Mum wished she could have sent them home with the
Keenen's for Christmas.

Charlie and Reilly helped Mum get second shift put away, the rest of
night crew up, meds and cages done before heading for home without
the gang of 5.

Daisy Here: Mum had to inventory the entire shelter of stuffs, Miss
Patty bless her heart took the time to pull together an inventory sheet
for us, the inventory got done quickly because Miss Patty made it easy
for Mum, Miss Brie, and Miss Marcia to get it done. Miss Tori came the
week after because she had been feeling under the weather, she and Nora
came when Miss Tori was feeling better. Miss Tori has gotten the fur
kids Christmas pictures on the web site as Mum gets them taken and sent
to her. Miss Sheilla is sharing what Mum sends to her on our Facebook
page and now we have a new person keeping our Pet Finder page current
and looking good. www.petfinder.org/shelters/NY559.html
Thanks Miss Priscilla. Mum says she is one very lucky shelter Mum to
have so much help.

Sarah here: Miss Iliana and Miss Jackie stopped by to bring gifts for
us fur kids; Miku and Kiwi are Iliana's far away girls. Both ladies
left just minutes ahead the storm that was heading in. Mum peaked out
the kitchen window the next morning, there seemed to be about 6" of
snow sitting on the ledge where she feeds the birds. When Mum went out
to see the 6" of snow she discovered there was 24". Mum got the snow
blower out and started digging the van out, she had not taken it up
top to the barn yard the night it was snowing so it was pretty buried.
Miss Iliana and her Bob with their fur girls left for Florida on Friday
after the storm, headed south to warmer weather and NO snow.

Mum was home from the big yellow thingy for 11 days she went back to
work on January 2. We love it when she is home, but boy those 11 days
went really fast! The inventory got done, we fur kids have our
presents, the pictures have been taken and are up on the web site
http://www.ferretfarm.org/events/GivingTree.html Mum is almost done
with the thank you cards, she has about 4 more to do. So Daisy what
do you think have we gotten all the notes taken care of? I do not see
anymore shall we close the news for now?

Daisy Here: Yup! Yup! Yup! we are done, so until next month you humans
out there stay warm and watch for snow balls coming your way.

Sarah and Daisy

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