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Thu, 27 Mar 2014 09:34:06 -0400
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February/March 2014 News
Sarah Senior Reporter
Daisy second in command

Sarah here: Whooo Hooooo what a winter we have had in Naples, New York
this year! Crazy {{{{{{cold}}}}} so cold that Mum has worn her silly
Panda Bear hat in the house all winter long.

Daisy here: Not only has it been cold it has been lonely, my far away
mom went to Florida, Miku and Kiwi's far away mom and dad were in
Florida, Thelma and Louise's far away moms went to California. Mum
says they are called snow birds when they leave New York for warmer
places in the country.

Lots has been going on, Mum, Miss Brie and Miss Tori went to Genesee
College to show us off and enlighten the students in the vet tech
classes. You can see the pictures of the students examining and
loving on us, http://www.ferretfarm.org/Outreach.html

Sarah here: Hey don't forget the volunteers that set up at Petco in
Mattydale NY to help show folks how cool we are. Miss Mary Ellen, Mr.
Charlie and Master Reilly spent the day with the Petco staff showing
off the Keenen fur kids. They are shelter kids adopted from here by
the Keenen family. Mum and Miss Carolyn set up in Canandaigua Petco.
Because Mum has been so busy we have been doing update bursts on our
Facebook page, Miss Sheilla makes that happen for us!
Thanks Miss Sheilla. Miss Tori does the web site when Mum gets the
stuff she needs to her,

Tori has the shelter thank you list up, WOW it is impressive!
thanks Miss Tori it looks great

We have had a few fur kids leave for Rainbow Bridge however Bandit
and Gambit that came to the shelter back in December are doing great
Mum took them to Canandaigua Petco to show the staff how much better
they are doing since the staff called her to help the boys. Matter of
fact they just got a far away mom; Miss Lauri in Minnesota contacted
Mum this morning to tell her she wanted the boys to be her far away
Wow what lucky boys they are to have a far way mom to love them and
help Mum take care of them

Daisy here: Hey Sarah don't forget, SOS and FACT joined together to
make a new place to list and find shelters that help ferrets, Mum
got our information on their site already
It is pretty cool because Mum can make the changes that come about and
do the updates, it is no longer something that needs to be sent to a
3rd party to get done. Way to go Support Our Shelters (SOS) and Ferret
Association of Connecticut, Inc (FACT)!

It looks like little Maggie will be going to her new 4-ever home this
weekend if things go as planned, she fell in love with Kyle and his
family. Mum helped post-op 3 fur kids for the Keenen family that had
surgery, (Mum is home more to make sure they can be souped every couple
of hours) so she offered to do that for the Keenen's. We had Fiona here
for camp at the same time, It has been a really busy winter.

We even had to make an emergency run to Our Favorite Doc (OFD) with
Teddy last week. Miss Donna Z met Mum 1/2 way so Mum could get back to
Naples in time to go to work on the Big Yellow Thingy, the 2 legged
furless kids had 1/2 day that day. Anyway Teddy had pneumonia and OFD
was not so sure he was going to be able to save him but he did! Teddy
went to Doc on Friday morning and Saturday morning OFD called Mum to
say he could come home. Mr. Charlie K. was already going to go get his
fur kid Monster Man so he told Doc and Mum he would bring Teddy home.
Mum is still treating Teddy with his medicine but he is doing so much

Sarah here: Hey save me some news girl! Miss Donna D. - Miss Kathy H. -
Miss Donna Z. - Miss Carolyn B - Mr Charlie K. - Master Reilly K. -
Miss Marcia C. have dropped in to help Mum with various things when all
the poo does not hit the fan and put Mum on the road headed towards

We want to bring you up to date on the Play Yard Project - the work
date is May 17th rain date May 18th food and drinks will be provided
for the workers. Mum needs to know if you plan to help so she has
enough food and drinks to go around. You can E-mail Daisy and I
personally if you are interested in helping us save our play yard.
[log in to unmask] (Sarah)
[log in to unmask] (Daisy)
We are so lucky to have so many of you that feel our play yard is
important enough to save for us fur kids. We have the bestest shelter
friends in the world. One more thing then Mum says it is time to get
this news out, we got to meet a new family from Geneva, they used to
have ferrets but their last one left for Rainbow Bridge. Miss Diane and
Mr John brought us all the ferret stuff they had, then when they were
here Mum brought them in to see us fur kids, they loved on us. We as so
glad they liked what they saw, Miss Diane told folks on our Facebook
page what she thought.. Thanks for dropping in Miss Diane come again
soon. Gotta run

Until next time
Sarah and Daisy

Brenda Johnson
Shelter Director

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