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Brenda Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 12 Feb 2012 15:51:53 -0500
text/plain (91 lines)
Sarah Senior Reporter
Possum Stepping over to Advisor
February 2012

Sarah Here: Oh Happy Day! Oh Happy Day! It is time for love, treats and
candy! Mum calls it Valentines Day, I call it > A Happy Day! It looks
like I will be doing the news all by myself this month -- Possum is
feeling poorly again, mum has her up in the sick pen now. So I will
get on with the task.

First I would like to say, Miss Donna will you forgive me? mum was so
sick she did not get all the important notes for last month at the
bottom of the page so I did not tell about you coming in after Miss
Mindy left to go home - to help mum and that you went all over town
looking for cotton candy for mum -- finding it way away from where you
live and shop -- Mum needs the cotton candy to be able to take the meds
the Doctor wants her to take, so Miss Donna was on a mission for mum!
It was a successful mission too! Mum got a beautiful get well card from
the Fritz family, it made her smile. Thanks M/M Fritz for making our
mum smile.

Remember when we told you Miss Iliana and Mr Bob went to Florida as
snow birds? Well Miss Iliana has been sending mum pictures of what they
are doing and where they going in Florida, she told mum that we could
share the link with you to see the beautiful pictures they have been
taking. I don't see any wings or snow on Miss Iliana or Mr Bob so why
are they called snow birds?

Miss Donna Z and Mr Scott Z. helped mum get all the papers into the
house that they brought for us. Then we had Miss Patty S. and Miss
Donna D. here all on the same day helpen to get things caught up around
here. Miss Patty S is Teddy's far away mom from Canton, Miss Donna D is
Dancer's far away mom from Rochester. Miss Mindy came the next day to
help. We sure are blessed to have so many loyal friends to help take
care of us.

Miss Victoria was to come help mum and Miss Mindy get us all weighed in
and nails cut but she got snowed in where she lives -- then the week
after that mum went to spend time with her 2 legged furless family
because her oldest grandson turned 12 yrs old. Mum took pizza and
brownies for dinner to be sure everything they had, mum could eat.
Mum had a good time hanging out with them.

Oh yeah mum wants me to remind you that you can still get IFC Arizona
symposium shirts -- there are a few left. There are some Goody Bags
left too. Then there are the Glob T-shirts that are available. You
can find out what they look like, and how much they cost here

The weather in Naples has been mild -- lots of spring like days. Good
thing too because Merlin got really sick so mum needed to get him up to
see "Our favorite Doc". Miss Mindy met mum at the 1/2 way point in Avon
to pick him up from mum, then took him the rest of the way to get him
to the hospital. He was so sick that Our Favorite Doc could not make
him better. Miss Princess was in the sick pen for a long time, she left
for Rainbow Bridge in January, then Merlin, now Possum is sick so mum
has been busy with lots of sick kids.

Mum had a chance to pick up some extra time at work -- to drive the
two legged furless kids to a special place and then bring them home,
she was going to be gone a good part of the day so Miss Mindy came to
Naples to stay with us -- boy or boy did she have the shelter sparkling
when mum got home. Mum did the happy dance when she saw what she got

Miss Victoria got to Naples this weekend to help mum, mum let her do
all the rotations, that gave Miss Victoria the opportunity to handle
every fur kid in the place, well any of us that were going to bed or
getting up, then Miss Victoria helped mum strip cages and put them back
together - some of those cages even got coroplast put on them. Miss
Peach is the one that makes sure we have lots of coroplast for the
things we need it for. Miss Victoria taught mum how you can undo the
zip ties if you want to take them off, mum has been cutting so they
could not be used again, Miss Victoria taught mum you do not have to
do it that way. Mum was so shocked that you could take them apart!

Mum got the report from Webshots, 358 of you humans have looked at our
webshots site http://community.webshots.com/user/lakeroad2
It seems I have gotten though all the notes mum left on the bottom of
this news letter, I think I have all the news reported. Since I did not
have Possum to help I think it is good that there was not a lot of news
to tell, or things I did not know how to tell.

Until next month
Sarah Senior Reporter
Possum advising from the sick pen

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