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Brenda Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 6 Nov 2011 09:06:07 -0500
text/plain (177 lines)
Sarah Senior Reporter
Possum Stepping over to Advisor
November 2011

Sarah Here: hi my name is Sarah and I was hired to take over the news
letter for the Lakeroad Ferret Farm, Possum said she would remain as
cub reporter so if I need help she will be there to get me through it.

Possum Here: Sarah lets get something straight, I am not a cub reporter
I am an advisor. AD - VIS - OR

Sarah Here: oh dear mum told me I was not going to get though a news
letter without comments and prodding from Possum, mum said I would need
to be patient with Possum - I am not so sure that is going to be easy
to do. So I stand corrected - Possum is an advisor not a cub reporter -
I was told that mum makes notes so we know what needs to be reported so
I need to go look for the notes.

Possum Here: OH BROTHER! Sarah the notes are listed on the bottom of
the impending news letter so you do not have to go looking for them
they are all right there for you!!

Sarah Here: Impending what is impending?

Possum Here: Impending means next month's news letter to be written -
using one word instead of 7 - UGH!

Sarah Here: Oh! Okay! I thought you were going to retire and rest!
Geezzzz can I at least get started before you start nitpicking at
my news? Anyway Miss Donna Z stopped in to drop off lots and lots
of papers for us, mum told her that if she got here after 4 pm she
would be doing all the hauling up the steps on her own, she took mum
seriously, and did haul them all up the steps by herself, mum hauled
them over all the barriers. Thanks Miss Donna for keeping us in poopy

Mum met up with her 2 legged furless kids and grand kids after the
Christmas in October event - she took all the food that was not Gluten
Free to them to finish off.

Miss Wendy sent all the pictures she took the day of our event so they
are all up on our picture site now

Wow so far 1,293 of you humans looked at our pictures! That is a lot of
humans! Do any of you have ferrets in your lives? If not you should!

Possum here: Enough editorial Sarah! You are a reporter! Don't forget
to report about the new kids that came in.

Sarah Here: What does editorial mean? Okay Possum I am working down the
list of things mum has for me, so butt out!

Possum here: NOW JUST ONE MINUTE! You can not talk to an advisor like
that! I was just trying to help!

Sarah Here: STOP trying to help! When I am done and you see I have
missed something then you can help but until then BUTT OUT! Mum told
me I could say that! I heard mum telling some humans that she thought
I was the perfect choice to take over the news because I am just like
Possum was when she first came to the shelter!

Always being a busy body, jumping up and down to see what was going on,
nosing here and there to find out what the humans are talking about and
most importantly I do not put up with any guff from anyone! So if you
are ready to let me do my job Possum I will get back to the news!

Possum here: Mum did not really say you could tell me to butt out did

Sarah here: wouldn't you like to know? Now back to the news -

We have 16 fur kids on the giving tree http://www.ferretgivingtree.com/
all have been picked - we sure are lucky fur kids!

We have some new kids that have come in to live with us -
Henry http://www.ferretfarm.org/Kids_Henry.html
Kiwi and Miku http://www.ferretfarm.org/Kids_Kiwi_Miku.html and then
Frankie came in last week. http://www.ferretfarm.org/Kids_Frankie.html
Miss Mindy has their stories on the web site for you to read.

Possum here: Hey Windy are you done yet? 

Sarah here: NO I am not done yet - I still have things on the list mum
made - and my name is not Windy!

Possum here: well if you keep going the way you're going - you're going
to be known as Windy! You only have a few more sentences and you will
already have 3 pages to the news - Mr Big may not have room for your
news on the FML it if it really long!

Sarah here: Who is Mr Big and what is the FML?

Possum Here: Mr. Big is the guy that makes sure the Ferret Mailing
List (FML) is up every day for all the humans that want to read about
ferrets and things that pertain to ferrets, he is the Moderator of the
FML - are you sure you were hired for this job? You sure do not know

Sarah here: I bet you did not know much when you started the news! I
am going to ignore you and go on with the news! 

About 2 weeks ago when mum got home from work, she went to get our
soup out of the freezer, everything was defrosted. Mum thought it was
because she had not closed the freezer door properly before leaving
for work. So she adjusted the things in there, took the grate off the
front off the refrigerator to vacuum under it, believing it would run
properly she then did meds and fur kids shut the shelter down and went
to bed.

In the morning when mum got up to get our soup out of the freezer for
our meds our soup still had not frozen over night, so everything in
that freezer was defrosted! Mum got everything out - our duck soup, our
meds she keeps in there frozen and some of her things. What a mess -
mum had to find us a new machine that will keep our soup and meds
frozen and our food cold and safe in a hurry!

Mum called a local place to see if they could help us get a new cold
food box - they could! Mum decided what one was going to be delivered
to Naples, she had to discuss with the store that she had to be back
to work at 1 pm - Betsy at the store said she would get back to mum on
what time the delivery truck could get here, because they already had
their deliveries scheduled but they would treat mum as an emergency

As mum was waiting for the phone call she emptied the food cold box put
the food in totes, got as much as she could in the big freezer down
stairs, went back down town to get more ice. Mum had 3 totes of stuff
sitting in the back room in ice.

Betsy called to tell mum the guys could get here at 1:30 of coarse mum
is on her big yellow thingy at that time, so mum told Betsy she would
see if she could find someone to babysit the house so they could make
the delivery at that time.

Mum called Miss Jackie, Miss Stacie, and Miss Loana all of them live
just minutes away, none of them were even able to answer the phone so
mum called Miss Brie she is further but not that far, Miss Brie had
to work so mum called Miss Mindy. Miss Mindy lives much farther than
anybody but said she would come sit with the house so the delivery
could be made. Yeah! Thanks Miss Mindy for saving our soup!

Miss Mindy got here just before mum had to leave for work, she and mum
moved fur kids into areas away from the moving lane, fixed the barriers
so they could be moved quickly and easily when the delivery guys got
here. Mum left for work, Miss Mindy stayed to accept the delivery. When
mum got home Miss Mindy had the shelter picked up, cages done, kids
moved into the rooms they emptied, then she and mum filled the new food
cold box with the food, duck soup and our meds that was all sitting in

What a day - then the most awesome thing happened mum found a late
night message on her phone message machine that a check for the full
amount for the new refrigerator/freezer was on the way from Teddy's
not so far away mom - Miss Patty S in Canton NY - a shelter angel -
Thanks Miss Patty for helping mum keep our soup and meds safe to eat!

Well it looks like all mums notes are gone - I have all the things she
wanted me to report in the news - Mr Big I will try harder to shorten
the news letter next month - this is a bit long but everything I
reported was important -

Well Possum apart from being what you call long winded how did I do for
my first run as news reporter?

Possum Here: I guess considering this is your first time you did okay -
but telling me to butt out and that mum told said you could say that is
just plain wrong! A little respect for an advisor goes a long way to
getting help when you need it -

Until month
Sarah Senior Reporter 
Possum Senior Advisor

[Posted in FML 7236]