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Print Reply
Sat, 1 Jun 2013 13:48:19 -0700
Jennifer B <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)

While I appreciate the detailed information, fully understand that
AAFCO is a volunteer organization, and am aware of the benefits of
feeding animal companions a raw/whole prey diet, I am not going that
route 100% with them at this time - for reasons I don't feel obliged to
share. However, my dog's diets are subsidized with essential vitamins,
nutrients, and the proper percentages of protein, carbs, and fats.

I've been studying animal nutrition for some time now and am also aware
of the misleading information with pet food labeling. I also know that
it is illegal to use the terms "scientifically proven" and "veterinary
approved" on pet food packaging and I rarely - if ever - see these
terms used by pet food manufacturing companies as they know the lawsuit
risks involved. While the companies may opt to use the catch-phrases in
marketing materials (still quite a risk), they cannot list it on the
actual packaging.

I am concerned that your reply to both me and the FML (I would have
suggested you reply directly to me only) will stir up the raw vs.
kibble debate that has been going on longer than ferrets have been
domesticated. To be clear, that was *not* my intention! I honestly
believe that the best approach to animal nutrition is to educate people
and then let each individual make the choice(s) that best benefit
him/her and their animal companion(s). I also genuinely believe that
the vast majority of pet owners truly do want what is best for their
companion(s) but sometimes circumstances dictate choices and we each
have to do what is within our means. The "right" way is what works
best for each individual.

In my situation, little by little I am working toward providing both my
dogs and myself with better food options but it takes time, research,
and a big commitment. Regardless of what my dogs are currently being
fed though (which is a good quality diet), it is clear to see by
looking at them that they're getting the essential vitamins, minerals,
proteins, carbs, and fats they need. Could their diet be better?
ABSOLUTELY! So can mine! But right now it is what it is and my pets
also get loads of love, exercise, companionship, socialization, vet
visits and dental check-ups when necessary, and a few sinful treats
now and then (which are homemade), too.

Again, thank you for the information but my post was directed mainly
toward those who do choose, for whatever reason(s), to feed their
pet(s) commercial pet food.


Our purpose in life is to find our gift, perfect it, and give it back
to others
Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog
the world will change forever

[Posted in FML 7807]