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Mon, 18 Feb 2013 12:27:58 -0500
Brenda Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (167 lines)
Sarah Senior Reporter
Daisy Cub Reporter
February 2013
Sarah here: February is the month of love in the air, kisses, hugs and
lots of deep massage strokes to our fur.

Daisy Here: It's called Valentines DAY! NOT Valentines month Sarah...
Sarah here: I know that Daisy but I have something very special to say,
there are many, many folks out there in cyber land that do things for
us here at the shelter that most folks only get to see because of the
things they do.. For instance the Facebook page we have for our
shelter, the only reason we have that is because of Miss Sheilla.

Miss Sheilla offered to do that for us knowing Mum does not have the
time to do it herself. So Miss Sheilla takes care of all of it. Thank
you Miss Sheilla! The Web Site that is Miss Tori she makes sure the
information that comes in is posted on the web site for all of you too
see, up to and including our monthly news letters and Possums rants!
Thank you Miss Tori!

Miss Priscilla takes care of our Petfinder site she keeps it updated
as needed, another site Mum was struggling to keep up with so Miss
Priscilla took it over for us. Thank you Miss Priscilla

Miss Kathy works hard to get the special things like New Year, and
Valentine posts put together so Miss Tori and Miss Sheilla have them
to put up on the places they take care of for us. Once the information
is out Mr. Harry picks them up and sends them off to other ferret links
for those folks to see too. I thought this would be a good time to say
a special thank you to all these folks for all they do to keep our
cyber friends updated on what is going on here at the shelter.

Daisy Here: We had a fur kid go to a new 4-ever home with Miss Tori;
Stevie you can read about that here
we had a new fur kid come in from Brooklyn. Little Maggie was left
behind when her family moved out of their apartment. Thankfully she was
found and we were contacted. The folks that found her were looking for
a shelter near them, unfortunately they were unable to find one so they
contacted Mum who contacted 3 of our wonderful shelter friends in that
area to see if they could take her in. They could not, however Miss
Sheilla and Mr Malcolm offered to drive her up to Naples to come to
live with us at the shelter. Here is more of her story and pictures of
her arrival; she already has a far away mom
I, Daisy got to hang out with and nibble on Malcolm's nose for a bit.
Thanks for loving on me Mr Malcolm!

We would like to thank the folks that featured our shelter on their
https://www.facebook.com/groups/FFFAH/ auction site; we greatly
appreciate the donations that came in from their sales. There is
another auction site out there helping shelters too

Sarah here: Our postage stamp campaign is still running until February
28th so if you are interested in the new ferret design Sue Burda has on
the market you can read about it here

thanks to those of you that have already sent stamps to us! This
campaign just insures that the folks that send us donations of any kind
will get a hand written thank you card from us fur kids, we appreciate
all you do and we fur kids want you to know just how much we appreciate
all you do to help Mum take care of us. Without you and your donations
we would not have the food we need, the vet trips when needed and the
care Mum so lovingly gives us. This shelter runs well because of you!

Miss Tori, Miss Donna and Miss Marcia came to help Mum at the shelter.
They had a great day, they got lots done. Play areas got picked up,
wiped down and they all played with us fur kids. New batteries were put
in several of the smoke alarms while Mum kept up with cages and made
dinner. Miss Donna helped to keep up with laundry. Miss Marcia focused
on play areas and helped Mum get the flex drain pipe pulled open and
get it secured to the stairs for the kids that do not negotiate the
steps well. Monster-man and Luna would not use the stairs at all, up
or down however Luna has gotten herself up stairs on her own using the
drain pipe; Monster-Man on the other hand has not tried it.

Miss Tori helped Mum get her lap top to go on line and cleaned up some
of the garbage that was on it.

Gizmo and Wade
were playing in the tube Mum has attached to the stairs. They would run
to the top of the tube and then slide their way back down. Mum and Miss
Marcia thought they were struggling to stay up top but Miss Donna said
they were sliding down the tube deliberately; sure enough Mum came over
to watch and they were running to the top and sliding back down. Daisy
thought the new installed drain pipe connected to the stairs was the
bees' knees when Mum let her try it; she was up and down like a shot
several times.

Daisy here: It was fun Sarah you should try it for yourself! Mum's 2
legged furless grandkid Hannah came to spend the day with us. Mum had
1/2 day on the Big Yellow Thingy that day. Mum got to Hannah's about
12:30 to pick her up, she was ready, first words out of her mouth to
Mum when she got in the van was is Hammy going to get up? Hammy loves
Hannah and Hannah loves Hammy! The ferrets Hammy and Pickles hung out
with Hannah in the ferret room while Hannah filled play area food
containers. Mum says that furless kid is smart as a whip she does
not forget anything! Mum asked her what right bucket and left bucket
meant -- Hannah pointed to the dishes in the food station and said
right bucket food goes in the right dish left food one goes in the
left dish, Hannah is almost as smart as you and I Sarah and she is
only 8 yrs old! Mum had to do a lot of extra climbing that day because
there is really only one barrier Hannah can climb over on her own
without breaking the barrier or hurting herself. Hannah and Mum got
the food containers filled and put back where they belong.

Mum and Hannah worked on cages next; the ones Hannah could reach Mum
had her sweep out, do food and water dishes while Mum lined poo pans.
Mum would pull the dirty pan, stack it on the pile (Mum gets to pull
the dirty papers Hannah said she is not ready for that yet) when Mum
gets the pan lined Hannah puts it in the cage. Closes the cage and tags
it -- Hannah even remembered the tag goes horizontal when the cage is
clean! She is a really smart kid for a 2 legged furless one! Hannah
told Mum that the rag that hangs on the yucky bucket needed to be
changed; Mum said okay you can do that. Hannah said to Mum, "You have
not shown me how to do that yet"... well she got another lesson; Mum
pulled the old rag Hannah replaced it with a new one.

While Mum washed poo pans Hannah went around and checked our water
bottles, the ones that were low she pulled, got clean ones out filled
and put back. Mum taught her how to check the inside and how to
determine what top goes on what bottle. She got all our bottles
replaced with fresh ones.

While Mum was on vacation from the Big Yellow Thingy she got the
coroplast box constructed and up on the shelf in the play room.
The Rochester boys are always getting onto and tossing things that are
stored up there off. Mum thought she had it ferret proofed they proved
other wise, so Mum built a different kind ferret proof box! That shelf
is up over Mum's head and they have gotten stuck up there so Mum hopes
this time she has it fixed it so they can not get up there any more.
They are climbers and boy they get in places that Mum says most of us
do not even think about! Sarah here: Mum has a far away shelter friend
teaching her how to do Excel spread sheets. Mum has been learning and
doing the physical donation sheets with the help of this shelter friend
that does this kind of work for a living, another shelter friend that
helps us from afar. Tori got Mums lap top up and functioning with the
spread sheets on it so now Mum can see all the magic that is put into
the pages, Mums training can continue with the real thing on the lap
top. Thanks Miss Jenn for helpen Mum learn something new.

Miss Mary Ellen got our newest video done take a look

Well Daisy what do you think? We have come to the end of the page and
there are no more notes for us from Mum, I believe we have the news
letter complete and ready to send off to all our cyber friends out

Ta ta for this month, we look forward to hearing from you with news we
can use for next month.

Daisy here: Yes we better close this news letter we have a lot of news
in it and MR BIG may not be able to put it on the FML is we put much
more in it.

Until next month
Sarah and Daisy

[Posted in FML 7706]