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Tracy Keelan <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 5 Dec 2012 08:51:30 -0800
text/plain (41 lines)
>Come on people...Please use some common sense here...I have said this
>before.....You would like to raise money for your shelter/rescue, as
>such, you want the auction/fund-raiser to reach as many people as
>possible.....so what do you do? You put it on a social network where
>few have access, such as Facebook. Makes a lot of sense (sic).... MC

I am not a FB supporter myself by any means & even have issues for Mr.
Zukerberg, its creator. However, this is starting to become a sore
point for me as well. There are many of us that spend copious amounts
of time trying to help out shelters. Facebook is one way that we can do
it without having to set up our own web page along with & its required
maintenance, upkeep & fees. I donate absolutely ALL of my time spent on
ferret fundraising & 100 % of all proceeds to ferret shelters. Myself &
others have spent a substantial amount of our own funds on ferret
fundraisers for the shelters. Suggesting that we spend more of our time
& money is sorta like looking a gift horse in the mouth, isn't it?
Although, I have no interest, nor am prepared to defend Facebook of any
possible risk that it may or may not expose a computer to, I will say
that I too am a computer professional & am employed by the federal
government. I can share the fact that the federal government does not
restrict the use of FB and in fact allows its access via their
computers. The FB Auction sites that I have donated my wares to & have
posted links to in the FML have all been set to "Open", meaning that
anyone can see the group, who's in it & what the members post. Yes, a
FB logon is required in order to bid on an item, which is no different
than Ebay where I also have listed several items. In fact, to purchase
anything online, many companies are now requiring that an account be
set up & a login is required. Social network sites are a part of our
modern world & for the time being myself & others will likely continue
to post to the FML with links to various Facebook pages. If Facebook is
not for you, there is no reason for it to be a sore point, simply just
choose not to use it. If there are perceived concerns that few have
access to social networks & thus limit the number of supporters, may I
suggest that you yourself create & maintain a fundraising site. Many
of us would be happy to donate our wares to your fundraising efforts.


[Posted in FML 7632]