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Brenda Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 16 Dec 2012 15:35:20 -0500
text/plain (120 lines)
Sarah Senior Reporter
Daisy Cub Reporter
December 2012
Sarah here: Santa is coming to our house pretty soon; pretty soon
Christmas will be here!

Daisy Here: Hello Sarah . have you not noticed the boxes that are
coming in almost daily for us; you silly girl . Christmas is here!

Sarah here: No! No! No Christmas is not until the 25th of December,
the boxes that are coming in are from the Giving Tree Santa's that
picked the new fur kids that came to the shelter this year!

Well not just from the Giving Tree or the fur kids that are on it, we
got some really special things from far across the country from the
Mile High Ferret Club in Colo. They sent us an awesome Christmas!
Thanks you guys! You don't know how this Giving Tree thing works
because you came in this year too so you have not seen it happen

Anyway you have a far away mom so any fur kid that lives here with a
far away family does not get put on the Giving Tree - I might add your
far away mom came to spend the day with you and brought you your
Christmas already! Just saying -

Daisy Here: Oh well I guess then you know more than me! It has been
crazy around here, Miss Donna D - Miss Iliana B - and her Mr Bob -
Miss Rebekah J - my far away mom Miss Marcia - Miss Tori and Miss
Jackie have all been here to help in one way or another! Miss Jackie
even had to make an emergency run with our Mombo to see our favorite
Doc. Miss Tori and Miss Ili got to see how well I climb, Mum had
forgotten she added the "NO Library" tag to my cage. I was up and over
headed for the kitchen when Miss Tori caught me. I did that when Miss
Ili was here too, that's when Mum tagged my cage, but she is still not
remembering I can not be in that room. Now I have No library, No play
pen, No play room, No ferret room and Needs supervision in the kitchen
tags on my cage. Mum told me that I was a goat not a ferret! I am not
the only one to get where I have no business! Mums words NOT mine! One
day when Miss Ili was here, Mum left Bear III in the kitchen when she
went to work. Mum had forgotten he knows how to remove Velcro ties so
he got into the upstairs bathroom and started beating on Stevie.
Thankfully Miss Ili was still here and she got the bully out of the
bathroom and put him away. Then Mum put Miku and Kiwi in the play room
so when Miss Ili came she could spend time with her sponsor girls, only
when Mum was on the phone she heard a big crash so she headed down
stairs to see what was going on. Mum found Miku on the high shelf that
she had - HA - ferret proofed. Miku was huddled in one of the upside
down plastic igloos Mum has stored up there. She had the look of "oh
poop now that I am up here how do I get down" all the other things Mum
had stored up there Miku had knocked down, so I am not the only trouble
maker here at the shelter!

Sarah Here: Miss Tori and Miss Brie have been busy bees with things on
the web site. We now have pictures that get big if you click on the
image, well some do; the pictures Mum took with her old camera do not
get bigger, but Miss Patty S. got Mum a new camera so now any Mum takes
with that camera they too will get bigger if you click on the image.
Miss Brie set up a forum that you can get on and leave all kinds of
messages, ideas and such for the shelter helpers, board members and
each other - you will find it on this page
at this link
We would love for you to join us there to share ideas and thing
with us!

Miss Priscilla G. has a new little guy (Z) that was taken to the
hospital by his family; they did not want him anymore so the vet asked
Miss Priscilla G if she would like to take him. She did, they fell in
love with one another. He has been in and out of the hospital but is
doing much better! The family that first had him did not tell the vet
important stuffs so the vet had to guess what was wrong with him. They
think they finally figured it out; he is home with his new mom
Priscilla for post-op and doing much better! Mum is doing the happy
dance for that!

After I passed along the "we could use some help" message on Staten
Island Mum has gotten word from folks that they were going, or have
been there to help; thank you Miss Margaret, Miss Rebekah, Mr Wally
and Miss Susann for helping out the lost souls.

Mum is doing the happy dance for all the lost fur kids still on the
streets; they may find their home after all. We have awesome shelter
friends! Thank you!

Daisy Here: Oh Miss Iliana B and Mum are going to set up at Petco on
Sat the 22nd December 11 am till 3 pm Mum hopes if they are there maybe
they can keep a few fur kids that are there (8) the last time Mum was
there to check on them from being an impulse buy. She hopes folks will
talk to her and Miss Ili to learn about ferrets first.

Mum found a mass on the bottom of Mombo's right foot, she needs to get
him in to doc to have it removed the poor little guy can not stand on
that foot. It looks like the head of a cauliflower, the size of a pea.
It appears to be hanging by a tiny piece of skin. Mum called a shelter
friend Jackie http://www.ferretfarm.org/Helpers.html and asked her if
she could help get Mombo into Doc next week. Miss Jackie said she could
and would but why not today. Mum said if you can get him in great! Miss
Jackie called Mum back to say Doc is going to seem him at 4 that day to
remove the thing from his foot, it is an easy removal and he can come
home right after. Miss Jackie and Mombo walked back in at 10 minutes
after 5 before Mum's bed time! Miss Jackie's car has wings! Actually
she got to the hospital early and Doc took Mombo in early so Miss
Jackie was headed home just a bit after she was to be there for the
appointment. J Mombo can now stand on his foot without discomfort.

What do you think Sarah I do not see any more notes at the end of this
so I think we have reported all that needs reporting, except that Santa
Clause is coming to town!

Sarah Here: it sure looks like we got it all covered, so we will close
for now.

Sarah, Daisy and all the fur kids that live at the Lakeroad Ferret Farm
Rescue Shelter Inc. wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

[Posted in FML 7643]