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Sun, 4 May 2014 16:49:14 -0400
Greeter 421 <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
Dear Friends

No. 421 is back in service again. Before I explain, stop everything and
get the phone numbers, addresses, everything you might need if you lost
your computer, print it out and put it in a paper file. If I had that,
I could have kept in touch. I was going paperless and my machine was
hacked. Never thought of going to the local library -- never gave it
a thought, I could not have emailed you because I could not access my
addresses and phone numbers. So, print out your phone numbers and

I guess the best way to explain what happened was, I went to visit all
the ferrets in my little village. Oliver looked in his book and could
not find my name. I guess it was not my time to arrive and it was a
long trip back.

While driving home from work, I had to take a detour. The dirt road was
steep and my vehicle scraped bottom. I had the car checked, but no one
could see anything and as I was driving to work the next day I began
to burp. Long loud burps that I never have and I felt sleepy. It was a
short night the night before so I just thought I was tired. When I came
home and was out of the car, after a few deep breaths I felt fine.

I had to drive home in a downpour and all the windows were closed. I
was burping again and felt a little sleepy. I remember thinking what
I would make for supper. I yawned a few times, and then my mind went
blank. I could not recall my supper thoughts. I remember fighting to
stay awake but my head went down on my chest. I was at peace, I was
unaware I was still moving UNTIL the car swerved off the highway and I
hit the fog line. Because the road is near the riverbank and the bank
is steep, the fog line had bumps in it. Those bumps saved my life. I
woke up, saw I was headed to the river and swung the wheel to the left,
pulled back on the roadbed, and pulled over and got out. I was shaking
but otherwise all right. Just very weak and very sick.

When I finally got home, I just took it easy and recovered somewhat.
Got help, but all they could do was tell me to get plenty of fresh air
and rest. The CO almost killed me.

In the next two days, my computer was hacked and my information was
unavailable to me. My files were not available and I never thought of
using the library while I recovered. I have my computer fixed, internet
back and 21,408 emails waiting for me. I have a new to me car, and I
thought of you all every day missing you more than I can say. All I
can say is, I came really close to the end of my life, but thanks to
the fog line and the fact that it was not my time to go, I'm back.

No. 421

[Posted in FML 8101]