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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 1408 1553 63 43_Introduced to ferrets via physical assault.15_Lisette [log in to unmask], 12 Aug 2014 14:25:46 -0400416_- I had thought off and on about ferrets for some years after my sister
brought home several. I never got to know hers. They were whole. Her
hubby was probably dreadful to them. They divorced. He was physically

Anyway, sis said they were cute, but you could get one that used the
litter box most of the time, half of the time, or rarely. You would
not know what you were getting. [...]42_12Aug201414:25:[log in to unmask] 1408 1617 35 20_Sydney was my first.12_Cheryl [log in to unmask], 12 Aug 2014 17:12:03 -0500538_- A policeman brought her to the tanning salon I was managing and it was
love at first sight. I gave him $100 and took my prize home. No ferret
experience, zippo. I soon found out she didn't know the difference
between a mouse, rat (which I knew they ate and hunted) but I was
gerbil sitting. I made the mistake of leaving the gerbil cage on the
floor and went to put on my makeup, Sydney always watched, it seemed
to fascinate her. I looked around and there was no Sydney so I went
looking for her. I found her [...]50_12Aug201417:12:[log in to unmask] 1408 1653 22 15_Re: FML leaving16_Anonymous [log in to unmask], 12 Aug 2014 22:20:09 -0400579_- I agree - this FML isn't going to go by the way in lieu of the internet
or social network sites...

And this is not the only email newsletter in existence , you can find
thousands of others here that will not be dissappearing because of
social networks... http://lsoft.com/lists/listref.html

You can even find archived FML there. FML and other forums that are
solely via email aren't disappearing, in fact they are being archived
for the most part, and are just as much a part of the web and as alive
and well as any social media site... :) [...]38_12Aug201422:20:[log in to unmask] 1408 1676 14 48_Looking for ferret shelter in Tampa Bay, FL [log in to unmask], 13 Aug 2014 13:48:27 -0400360_- I have been told that there is a ferret shelter in Spring Hill, FL by
another shelter person in Winter Haven. I have a cage in excellent
condition and a pack of hammocks that I would like to donate. Would
prefer a 501(c)3 shelter but would consider another. please respond to
[log in to unmask]

Thank you.

[Posted in FML 8172]46_13Aug201413:48:[log in to unmask] 1408 1691 33 26_Krittur - our first ferret13_Marsha [log in to unmask], 12 Aug 2014 21:27:57 -0500373_- My son brought home a ferret from a friend of his who claimed that it
was a biter, probably 17 years ago.. Never bit us!! Anyway, my first
reaction was, "No way I will bond with that demented creature." Krittur
was racing around the house doing the weasel war dance. My husband just
loved the little guy, and of course, I grew to love him too. [...]39_12Aug201421:27:[log in to unmask] 1408 1725 28 20_My first ferret [log in to unmask], 12 Aug 2014 19:28:22 -0700359_- It all started Bakersfield Califorina when my dauther boyfriend mom
was given a ferret kit she named carol Lee

well I was over to her house one day and she come running in was this
little bouncing thing I jumped on the coffee table don't know what it
was at first. Well I did fall in love with her and I got one of her
first littler [...]41_12Aug201419:28:[log in to unmask] 1408 1754 32 17_FML Membership...11_Phyllis [log in to unmask], 13 Aug 2014 07:47:43 -0400436_- This is so ironic as I was cleaning out a long unused email and found
daily posts from the FML. I had
Tue, 12 Aug 2014 17:51:45 +0000
text/plain (24 lines)
Since 1985 we have been involved in ferreting. We have seen literally
thousands of ferrets pass through our doors since then. Our very first
personal ferret was Budweiser that my son sold all of his GI Joe
figurines and equipment to bring home, (You really want it? then find
a way to get it). Funny thing is as kids do, his interests changed
but mine grew fonder. Seeking out a vet that knew ferrets was a real
challenge, but we were blessed with an exceptional
wildlife/biologist/veterinarian that not only treated Budweiser but
took me under his wing to educate me about the needs of this wonderful
creature. We jumped in with all 4 feet and started the OFS after a
close friend we had been helping passed away leaving us 205 ferrets.
Dr B helped us through all this and immediately became the shelter Doc.
We found out the funny adorable bottle shape that gave Budweiser his
name was actually bladder pockets. Unfortunately, we lost him to this
rare problem, but his being has never left us. There is so much left to
learn even since that time! The FML and all that observe it and share
is worth a million facebook pages. Keep it coming BIG. Your boots
aren't full yet!

Dave and Chris

[Posted in FML 8171]