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Fri, 29 Nov 2013 10:33:27 -0500
Pie O' Pah <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (64 lines)
Dear Mom,

We are ALL crowded in Pie O' Paw's cottage, and he's letting us write
to you because that's what we wants to do!

We all decided that sense we can't ALL use the type-a-writer-ma-jiggy
that I, Sammy would be the one to use it 'cause I has the most smarts.
Pearl keeps calling me a smart fuzzy-butt though, which is making
everyone giggle, and making it hard for me to type, 'cause it really
is funny.

How many ferrets can you fit into Pie's cottage? The answer is all of
us, if we flop into a big pile and leave enough room for me to type!
We are all doing so wonderfully, and enjoying a nice mug of warmed
Ferretone, courtesy of Pie himself.

Guess what? All of the things we had to deal with when we was there, I
mean the bad things and health stuff, is allllll gone.

Pearl's no longer deaf, Lacey is no longer blind, Lola's not crippled
any longer and no one has to worry about bad memories, or being afraid
of anyone or anything, that that's mostly because when we came to live
with you, you took those away and gave us many more really good
memories to keep and share.

Maxine said we should explain what it's like for us when we are on our
way here is kinda hard to explain, but I'll try.

<pausing for idea's>

Ooh, OOH, Stash came up with a good idea. He say's it's like bath time.

< They is all groaning about baths now >

We know it's gonna happen, and we get wet, and bubbly, and you laugh at
how pitiful we look, and then you rinse us, and dry us off, and then we
are off for any surface we can rub ourselves completely dry, and then
it's out of the way until the next bath. Well coming here is kinda like
that. At first it's something we don't want, but we know it's still
gonna happen. Then as we are going, it's like the getting wet part, but
it's not so scary, more like being hugged and loved by you, then there
is the rinse part. When that happens, and we all agree, it's like all
the things that ached, and hurt, were broken, or were just bad memories
seem to fade away, and all that was left was the good things, like
remembering our favorite toys, hidey holes, treats and the BIG TIME
love you gave us, and the love we get to still keep in our fuzzy hearts
for you. Then by the time we take that last step into the Rainbow
Bridge, it's like the "being all nice and dry" part.

The only sad thing is we miss you.

So our letter is one of hope, of love, and of celebrating our lives no
matter where we are.

We love you Mom, always and forever!

Lola, Oliver, Moxie, Dosha, Penny, Sweeheart, Stash, Starlight,
Stinker, Slinky, Shanara, Charlie, Flash, Max & Maxine, Shockra,
Merc, Lacey, Kelly, Little Pearl, Sallie Ali, Baby, Isabella, and
last, but not least - ME - Sammy

[Posted in FML 7974]