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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 1110 6915 25 27_Giving tree and an apologey9_Sue [log in to unmask], 21 Oct 2011 14:43:27 -0500346_- Last night in my post I made a remark about someone asking to put
ferrets back up after being picked by a santa, on one of my ferret
yahoo groups someone asked that quatation, I did not know someone eles
had said almost the same thing and I saw it posted on facebook and the
person thought I was attacking her for saying that. [...]52_21Oct201114:43:[log in to unmask] 1110 6941 34 17_Giving Tree Bonus8_The [log in to unmask], 20 Oct 2011 23:22:03 -0700534_- Despite all the pro and con, which I have to admit took me by surprise,
how can there be anything bad in giving to others or making someone's
life a little happier, regardless of how many legs they have, I think
one thing, one big thing has been over looked.

I would have said I'm typing on a keyboard so I'm obviously not a
ferret, but those bridge greeters and a few others really put some of
the rest of us to shame! So being eloquent and able to push keys in
the right order has nothing to do with [...]47_20Oct201123:22:[log in to unmask] 1110 6976 45 30_Ferret Giving Tree, my 5 cents15_Debbie [log in to unmask], 21 Oct 2011 10:07:13 -0400499_- Our little shelter has been so blessed by the Giving Tree in the past
years. Many of our residents are hospice kids and it's the only
attention they get from outside our walls. No one wants to see or adopt
the sick ones. Well, not main stream adopters anyway... it takes a very
special ferret person to purposely take on a hospice furkid. Some are
placed for the short time they have left but we know they are showered
with love & support from their special caregivers. [...]55_21Oct201110:07:[log in to unmask] 1110 7022 25 57_Apologies to anyone emailing the Ferret Giving Tree [log in to unmask], 21 Oct 2011 23:47:19 -0700315_- I found out yesterday that the Ferret Giving Tree Admin email address
was not being forwarded to my home email because Comcast thought it was
some spam thing. I think I have fixed it, but I now need to go back
through all the Admin emails and fix some things. Those should all be
done by Monday. [...]42_21Oct201123:47:[log in to unmask] 1110 7048 43 14_Giving Tree(s)13_debi [log in to unmask], 22 Oct 2011 05:58:48 -0700556_- Whether anyone realizes it or not, the Ferret Giving Tree is a unique
one. In my little corner of NJ there are Giving Trees, in Pet Supply
Stores. Each year the store owners, such as my friend Alice, put up a
Christmas tree in their store. There are orniments with a picture of
a dog/puppy or cat/Kitten on it with their bio. People who want to
donate to a shelter kid can take the orniment off the tree and do their
shopping in the store. After their purchases are rung up, the ornimeent
is fastend to the bag(s) and Christmas [...]50_22Oct201105:58:[log in to unmask] 1110 7092 20 23_Memorial Page for [log in to unmask], 22 Oct 2011 11:42:41 -0600337_- Chase left for the Bridge on Thursday. She had an unusual cancer in her
bottom jaw, and it got to where she couldn't eat. We fed her baby food
at the end, but she just kept on losing weight. She was almost eight,
pretty old for a Marshall ferret, but this wasn't how I hoped she go
(if there ever is a way that's OK). [...]41_22Oct201111:42:[log in to unmask] 1110 7113 12 42_register to win a free Ferret Nation [log in to unmask], 22 Oct 2011 17:45:24 -0400204_- Register to win a free Ferret Nation c
Fri, 21 Oct 2011 16:37:00 -0500
text/plain (42 lines)
I have been asked to explain:

>Can you enlighten us further as to what the "many misconceptions" are?

The quote from Bruno was "Whether they have a 501(C)(3) or like us come
out of pocket for every ferret in our care"

There are many out there who believe that organizations with 501(C)(3)
status receive government money. (They don't.) They just don't have
to pay taxes on the donations received-- just like the church, or the
Salvation army. The entire donation goes to the cause (in this case,
the ferrets.)

Many believe that shelters with 501(C)(3) don't operate out of pocket.
(Many do! In this economy, donations are not exactly pouring in for
anyone LOL)

>he was being inclusive of ALL Shelters, whether they are the
>big-named, well-known, official "businesses" with the non-profit
>status that can do raffles and fundraising for tax-free - down to
>the personal, word-of-mouth small shelters/hospices that aren't
>incorporated and all ferret care comes out of the person's paycheck
>without the benefit(s) larger, well-known shelters have.

We are friends with many of the personal, word-of-mouth small
shelters/hospices that aren't incorporated & whose ferret care comes
out of the person's paycheck. These are lean times. We're all in the
same boat at the end of the day, and we comfort one another. We`re
not in competition. We support each other.

Any good shelter, large or small, will do whatever it takes, go
without whatever they have to -- and even help another shelter who
is struggling -- because we care about the ferrets involved.

Hope this helps.


[Posted in FML 7220]