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Wed, 14 Aug 2013 03:00:33 +0100
Marie-Agnes <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (106 lines)
Hi everybody,

I want to know if some people have been in similar situation that mine,
and what way they took...

I lost my last little girl Doodle, one month ago. She was 7 and was
insulinoma and lymphoma. I helped her to cross the rainbow bridge to
stop her pain...

I get my first ferret from a petshop 10 years ago, it was the April 1st
2003, he was a kit of 10 weeks. I named him Nahum. And I adopted Anika
from the Ottawa' rescue. And came in my life Appolo and Cody ... And
came this adorable Lil Bear and then Doodle.

I lost them because illness, heart disease (Nahum), heart attack
(Appolo), adrenal (Cody) Lymphoma (Anika) Brain cancer (Lil Bear)
and Insulinoma and lymphoma (Doodle).

Each time I lost one, there were a little another one still alive and
needing me and waiting after me.

I bought only Nahum (at this time I knew nothing about ferrets) and
Anika (I knew a little more).

Appolo, Cody, Lil Bear and Doodle were all given to me time to time.

When Nahum crossed the bridge, he joined Anika, Appolo and Cody, those
3 already left me.

And stays only Lil Bear with me.

And I said no more ferret, Lil Bear will be the last one. It is too
hard to go through ...

Time passed ...

And I get a phone call from my veterinary about Doodle. Her previous
human mom was sick (liver cancer)

It took me more than 2 weeks to think about this little girl. My mind
said no, my heart didn't know. I talked a lot with ferrets people from
a forum where I belong... and people convinced me to take her, saying
that it was Nahum's sign.

Omg it was a sign from Nahum for sure ! She looked as Nahum but in a
girly way. Same size, same color. She was certainly a gift of God,
she was the cream of cake.

2 years later ...

I lost my Lil Bear...I helped him to cross the bridge on March 08
after a long night of horrible seizures ... Do you ever hear a
ferret screaming? There is no word for to express how horrible it
is. At each seizure there were those screams coming from his soul.

I am not able to talk about this and still crying to write this.

And then, my Sweet Doodle on July 08 ...

Not only my heart is broken, it is all me who is broken.

It is like I am punished for to have been so loved by those angels.

I am a lonely woman, since 10 years only my ferrets shared life with
me with my dog Charly who left me 4 years ago and my cat Basile who
passed in April.

Now it is with big anxiety that I come back to home, my empty home,
with big anxiety I go to my bed, empty and cold bed...

Empty cage, big tunnels, toys, beddings, carriers, fences, litter
pans, and those plenty bags of n bones, and jars of baby food and...

No more ferrets? Can we live with no more ferrets?

People says time helps to heal and that we need to keep the good
memories ...

At this time I only see darkness, I shall have wanted to die with
Doodle. I have pain, just crying all the time, but I want to cry my
babies because I love them. But in another side, I want the pain to
stop and wish to have never gone through all those deaths. 

Does some of you say: no more ferrets!...  and you are still with no

And are ferrets from serious breeders without those illness that our
Canadians ferrets get in early age ?

Now that I wrote all this, I wonder why I did it

Anyway you are welcome to answer me privately if you prefers

Hug all your babies for me

Thank you
Marie-Agnes (aka Yukkabelle)

Marie-Agnes Doodle & Bear
Anika & Cody & Apollo at the Rainbow with Charly at their side :(

[Posted in FML 7875]