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Sat, 27 Oct 2012 14:00:00 -0400
Pie O' Pah At the Bridge <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (68 lines)
[Pat S.]

Dear Pat,

I know this greeting has taken it's time to get you to, and I am sorry
for how long it took to get out. I am truly sorry for each and every
greeting I am behind, and so I am taking this evening to try and
rectify that. I may not get to them and, and it is my hope that Bill
might do one FML that is just chocked full of greetings, so that those
who have waited will finally get a small measure of closure on their
beloved fuzzits.

March was a bit warm here this year. I think that had a lot to do with
the volumes of warm fuzzies that came our way. Remember we have nice,
warm, cuddly, slinky bodies, and we love to sleep in HUGE piles. My mum
was always worried that when she found all of us in one of those 2 1/2
Rubbermaid totes, that the one on the bottom would be smothered by all
of the ones on top, but it never happened. After awhile she stopped
checking, she would just stare at us and ask, in a whisper, if there
might be some room in there for her!

I was working in my garden when I heard this squeaking noise. I looked
around and saw Zippie he was squeezing his blue and white terry cloth
elephant. He had Winston, Willie and Pooh Bear with him. They were all
excited because they knew that Yuki was coming their way. Zippie had
this huge grin on his chocolate-face, and asked when we were going to
get going. I said, "Right now!!!!", and I tossed my garden gloves into
my weasel wagon, grabbed a sip of Ferretone and together we made our
way to the Bridge.

We passed through fields of huge sunflowers moving in the warm breeze,
we passed through tall, meadow grass tipped with these lovely, lavender
blooms. We skipped stones and made wishes upon them, and then we
reached the Bridge. It is never the same, I love that about this place,
it's full of magic and wonder and even those who come here from bad
homes find inner peace as they are held close in the arms of the Big
Guys beautiful place. The Bridge was covered with the sunflowers liked
the ones we had walked through, and there was cool, meadow grass with
those tiny, lavender flowers everywhere, and under the Bridge, was the
lake we skipped stones upon. The message being, that all of the things
we enjoy most all of the wonders we have seen, and will see, are always
going to be there reminding us of the best days are ahead of us. That
it is now our time to enjoy our lives. We are healthy, whole, safe,
happy, and among others who love us as much as we love them.

Yuki came bounding across the Bridge, dragging behind him a very
comfortable, leopard printed sleepy sack, and one of those netted bag
filled with nobbly-wobbly balls. It was so funny to watch him try and
drag that bag with him, so we all ran over and helped, and of course
we helped all of those nobbly-wobbly balls out of that netted bag and
had ourselves ..... what else, but a ball!

October is giving us some nice cool evenings, and there are times when
Yuki and his brothers come and enjoy a nice warm mug of Ferret Cocoa
Tone, and stories of love, and forever homes. They send their love, and
it's to be sent by the sleepy sack full, and that they are watching
over you, and (listening to whispers of last minute things to write)
If you hear squeaking and don't see anyone doing the squeaking, it's
Zippie mom. If you hear the sound of a ball being pushed around, or
pushed into your ankle, that's Yuki mom, if you feel a warm, sudden
rush of love, it's ALL of us mom!

In Love & In Comfort,
Pie O' Pah

[Posted in FML 7592]