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Tue, 27 Nov 2012 20:55:32 -0800
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I'm the original poster from last week. If all goes well, I'll be
adopting the little fuzzy by the end of this week. Technically, I
wouldn't call it adoption, since the staff will give him away for free
to any interested party, no matter how experienced they are. They'd
even give him to someone who just thought he looked cute. Three others
have looked into taking him, but all decided not to. One woman took
him home, and then returned him three days later.

I've had ferrets since 2008, and researched them for around 3 years
before adopting my first, Zen. I've had 7 in the past 4 years. Zen
died of insulinoma and lymphoma, and Chibi died of adrenal disease
and lymphoma. Lillie died of an injured spine and probable intestinal
and/or spinal cancer. Frankie, Mischief, Henry, and Zender are all
wonderfully healthy. It's a shame that ferrets generally have such
short lifespans.

I've named the fuzzit at the Humane Society Todd, after Alexandra's
Todd. Both Todds are awesome! Mine's a DEW with a brown tail.

I asked a Humane Society staff member, if I could foster Todd, and was
told that it wasn't an option for the reason stated above. They also
refuse to give him any shots or care for his adrenal disease, after I
informed them of it. Apparently, they're out of funds, but still. If a
dog or cat were sick or needed shots, they'd be treated right away. He
also has a small, but very visible tumor on his tummy, which I didn't
bring up, but they wouldn't have cared anyway. The shelter manager
despises ferrets, so perhaps that has something to do with it?

Todd will be joining my family if the shelter agrees to fork over the
free vet exam coupon that all adopters are promised. That can't be
that difficult. It's just a piece of paper, people. That's the least
they could do. I'll be paying full price for his shots and deslorelin
implant, which is fine.

Even though he's most likely adrenal, Todd isn't ready to die yet.
According to my mom (I'm totally blind), Todd has happy eyes, and
a staff worker said that he enjoys escaping from his cage to go
exploring. He loves cuddling and taking naps. It'll be awesome to have
a fuzzy who can be carried around the house in a sling or frontpack.

If I don't take Todd, he'll most likely be surrendered to the Oregon
Ferret Shelter, and I'd hate to burden Chris and Dave with another
fuzzy, when they have 123 already.

Wish us luck.

[Posted in FML 7624]