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Wed, 18 Jan 2012 09:00:06 -0500
chris page <[log in to unmask]>
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This is horribly late, a combination of mourning and technical issues.

About 18 months ago I took Princess lily out for what was to be one of
her last excursions, we went to a country fair mainly to see a friend
who was there with her ferrets. when we arrived she told me she had
one there she though I might want to meet and pointed out a tiny Jill
curled up alseep all on her own. "She wont settle with any of my
groups" I was told, this tiny little ball of brown fuzz could fit in my
hand, and was totally at ease with me. Her name was Midge which echoed
an almost identical old lady I had adopted the previous year but sadly
she was near the end of her days when she arrived at her new forever
home and was only with us for 9 months until her body gave up the fight
and her spirit crossed the rainbow bridge to join the rest of the gang.

I popped "Midge too" into my carry bag while letting Lily have a wander
on her harness, being an explorer she was always fond on new places.
after a while I could see she was getting bored and picked her up, by
now little Midge was quite comfy so I reached her out and introduced
the ladies, they seemed happy enough so I placed them into a spare pen
and let them get to know each other. After a while I decided to put
Lily back for a nap and picked them up, little Midge Too wasnted to
explore me so I let her up on my shoulders and she immediately stared
to groom my hair and melt the last resistance in my heart.

Yes she came homewith us that day. cureld up asleep in the box with
Lily like it had always been that way. At the time Furkid towers were
being refitted, Lily had indicated she wanted a litter tray near her
bed and I had found the perfect small tray just right to let into the
floor for a little lady, and a repaint was inprogress the first since
the construction to house Bubbles. The girls were housed im ny hospital
cage in the back bedroom away from the paint and mess. I kept her name,
despite having had the original Midge pass only a few months before,
they were so much alike I felt Midge Too was quite appropriate, but
uusually she was just "little midgeyness"

For a few days Lily seemed like a new ferret bouncing around and
enjoying having a playmate, but her time was short, often she would
retire to her cube to sleep leaving Midge to play and explore alone
before going to join her, and one morning I found that she had crossed
the rainbow bridge during the night. Midge Too was laid snuggled up to
her, confusion in those tiny dark eyes that her new friend was cold and
still. Someone told me she believed that Lily had been holding on until
another ferret came along to keep me company. Midge Too never allowed
another ferret to touch her heart again. She took to solo games
wardancing to invisible partners and sometimes having a rough and
tumble with daddies hand, She had to be watched for she had a huge
rubber fetish and I soon founf myself stripping the rubber feet from
laptops etc. Lily had taught her well in the short time they shared,
right up to last week I was still losing socks on a regular basis,
and the bottom drawer was a challenge that demanded a nightly assault,
with a wild dance of victory if she managed to open it.

Just before Xmas 2010 I had a call from a friend who knows someone who
works for the council on road cleaning. He was working in a street on
Bin day when he saw a sports bag with the black bags piled on the side
of the road. The bag moved!! he could hear something inside and found a
huge Albino hob with a bent tail had been left in there with a handful
of dried cat food. I guess some *censored* figured he was ripe for the
compactor. Luckily he knew of me and called his friend to get hold of
me. Thats how Hugo arrived here. He so wanted to be friends with Midge
Too, but she wasnt interested and for the next 14 months the occupied
seperate floors of the cage, each night during seperate playtime he
would climb up the cage and hang there chatting to her.

Just before Xmas Midgey was having some issues in the litter box, as
was diagnosed with cystitis and treated with icky stuff that she had to
take in water twice a day, and in a few days she was back to her old
self, digging away at everything and katching play naps in the seam of
a curtain - she always did like to sleep in something hanging. however
just into the new year she was clearly losing weight despite eating
well and then I noticed dark poops so last Wednesday, we went back
to see the vet this time seeing the boss, he immidately found a huge
lump on her flank that extended far back inside her. Her decline had
been dramatic, in the space of a week her weight had melted away -
especially as she had lost some during her previous illness, She was at
a low ebb being quite anaemic and without energy. Leighton said I think
its too far gone to deal with, you cn take her home for a couple of
days but I think you will soon be back here with her, and then I knew
that it wasnt fair to let her melt away. As she took a last earthly
drink of Feeretone she slipped from us while a sobbing daddy held he
in his arms.

Midge Too was somebodies throway, but she found that love exists in
6'4" packages of human who now misses the tiny ferret who just wanted a
human playmate. I wasnt able to post as I normally do when one crosses
so I hope she found her way to the Furkid bunch at the bridge, where
she can be reunited with Princess Lily and be introduced to the rest
of the gang that went before. Farewell my Little micromidge, I hope
you understand that it wasnt right ot bring you home again, you had
suffered enough already. This is late we have computer issues here, but
a week on, typing this, there are tears flowing again and the world
seems emptier without my tiny minx who liked to watch me in the kitchen
just lounging in the palm of my hand, I will even have to start combing
my own hair now as there is no Midge to Groom me.. or share little
ferrety kisses with.

Remembering those who stole pieces of my heart
Custard (Cussieangelweezil) my gentle little joker and

Bubbles, (Da Warweezil) first ferret par excellence and leader of

Skweek (Skweekyweezil) daddies litle earwashing girl and all round
little madam

Rhoobarb (Biteyweezil) Stealth mode attack Ferret and all round

Chunky (Chunkyfuzzle) The most laid back fuzzy ever.

Ollie (Olliefuzzle) Snuggleferret and expert litterbox miner

Miss Midge, who made a big impact in too short a stay

Princess Lily - Kissy fert and sock miner.

Midge Too - A tiny people ferret and expert hairdresser
Called away from this world to dance with the angels at the
Rainbow Bridge

[Posted in FML 7309]