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Thu, 5 Jan 2012 19:18:28 +0000
Alexandra Sargent-Colburn <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (95 lines)
As we left off yesterday, at Todd the ferret's request (and after a
stern warning to all from Three Bucks the Rooster) Loki Dog returned
to the living room with the big black and yellow book, dropping it at
Todd's feet. For those assembled that night who could read, the big
words on the cover CLEARLY spelled out "VOODOO FOR DUMMIES."

"Now," said Todd. "We build the altar." Todd looked around the circle
of those assembled with him, everyone now back-lit by the warm amber
flames of the pellet stove. He looked everyone in the eyes by
turn...Loki Dog, Sterling the Cat, Caff-Pow the big pale ferret. He
even spared a short glance up to the Turtle's tank on the kitchen
island. Todd did not even look toward Three Bucks and his two
hen-wives. They had given so very much already. It was impossible to
ask any more of them. Todd cleared his throat and the little red
turban wrapped around his head and pinned tight with the she-Hoomin's
grandmother's diamond brooch shifted fractionally. He pushed it back
into place with a paw and said "You all know what to do. GO!!"

And at that there was a flurry of scurrying, trotting and padding off
in different directions. Sterling was the first to return to Todd and
the big yellow and black book after first digging through the dirty
laundry hamper. He had a mouth full of HoominT-shirt and was dragging
it along as he walked. It was difficult to do without stepping on the
shirt and pulling it out of his mouth with a painful tug. He dropped
the shirt in front of Todd and said "White cloth." Todd looked at him
curiously and said "Where?" Sterling rolled his almond eyes and said
"Turn the shirt over so that you can't see what's written on the front.
One white altar cloth." Todd thought about that for a few moments and
shook his little turbaned head in agreement. Tiny diamond sparkles
from the brooch shook in agreement with him. "OK," said Todd. "One
white altar cloth."

Todd called out to Loki Dog who had taken up a waiting position next
to the dining room table. "Ready for you, Dog!" And with evident
enthusiasm (Loki was s till a very young dog and full of enthusiasm)
she bent and fastened her white teeth into the wood at the base of a
chair leg. It was one of the four maple chairs that sat in place around
the dining room table. Loki backed up slowly and the chair slid with
her. It was fairly light having no arms, only four legs, a seat, and a
back rest. Loki angled the chair around until it now faced away from
the table, not toward it. Then she released the leg and looked up at
Todd, panting happily. She called out to Todd "I did it!" And Todd
smiled. "Yes you did, girl. Now the shirt. " And Loki trotted over to
the shirt and picked it up in her mouth. She trotted back to the chair
and spent a few moments carefu lly draping it over the seat. Todd
grinned at Loki and said "White altar cloth atop a natural surface.
*Excellent* work, Brothers in Fur!" Sterling tried in his feline way to
look as if the praise didn't matter, but it did. Loki, however, beamed.

Todd turned halfway around and called out to Caff-Pow "How are the
shinies coming?" And Caff-Pow, visible only as two soft dark back feet
sticking out from beneath the green velvety sofa mumbled something
unintelligible. But at just that moment a spinning silver quarter came
flying out from 'Pow's location. And then a few more quarters. Most of
a shiny silver fork emerged right next to him. A shiny dime shot out
from beneath the sofa like a hockey puck. And then 'Pow backed up
carefully, the whole length of his back fur mussed up. And in his mouth
was the shiny silver Mylar rosette of a bow that had been decorating a
Christmas gift only a short time before. It made a stiff, crunching
sound as it emerged but it appeared unharmed. Caff-Pow turned to lie
on his right side, spat out the bow and said simply "Shinies!" Todd
trotted over to the stash of shinies and by making several trips he and
Caff-Pow had everything up and resting atop the altar cloth in just a
few minutes.

Todd sat next to 'Pow, both breathing heavily and resting against one
of the altar's maple legs when he realized that everyone, including
'Pow was looking at him. "Oh!" he said. "Next...next..." He looked up
suddenly and said "Spirits! We need a bottle of spirits for the
ancestors." Sterling the Cat heaved a heavy dramatic sigh as only a cat
can and said "But these Hoomins don't drink spitits." And Todd
said...nothing. He screwed up his face into a tight fist that denoted
the most strenuous concentration...and said nothing. The Dog looked at
the Cat. It had been such an exciting night so far. It could *only* be
improved by a nice cat chase. Loki narrowed her eyes... The Cat looked
at the Rooster and the hens, imagining fried chicken dinners. Then
Sterling looked at that nice, plump egg, just sitting there on the
carpet. The Rooster gave the Cat his best "Try it, punk" expression .
Todd looked down at his toes and said...nothing. It was a bad moment
and it seemed to go on for a long time.

Caff-Pow listened to the silence, all the silences, the very bad
silences lengthening and turning into something that would no doubt
come out very badly. He looked up and just by chance he happened to
see...Tina the Turtle's tank. Tina knew things. Tina was more than six.
Tina was wise. True, she was in mourning, dark and solitary mourning.

Part Four Tomorrow

Alexandra in MA

[Posted in FML 7296]