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Sat, 27 Oct 2012 14:00:00 -0400
Pie O' Pah At the Bridge <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
[Kim C.]

Dear Kim,

Dewey was sneaky, like most fuzzits I know,
He snuck to the Rainbow Bride in through the back door,
Now where is my buddy Odie,
Said he, as he speed bumped on the floor.

I pointed to straight to my garden, 
Where autumn leaves did lay,
And said he's out there somewhere'
I seen him there at play.

We raked up all the leaves,
And piled them way high
Then from my potting table,
Into them we would fly.

And the leaves they did swirl
And then dance upon the wind,
And Dewey and I burrowed in deep,
And met our selfs end to end.

Bumping bums we dooked out loud
And from the leaves we did run
And then we dooked a joyful dance
And we war danced in the sun.

Dewey is with me now,
Just as Odie is too,
And they want to say I love you,
And they know you love them too!

In Love & In Comfort
Pie O' Pah

[Posted in FML 7592]