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Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2012 00:05:23 -0500
Subject: Giving Tree
From: Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
Parts/Attachments: text/plain (48 lines)
I swear that nothing frustrates me more as an FML reader every year
than the on-going Giving Tree drama. There seems to be nothing more
controversial year after year. Complaints that certain ferrets didn't
get gifts. Complaints that no thank you was received. Complaints about
how the Tree is run. It's the same complaints every single year.

Let's try to get back to basic good manners:

If you choose ferrets from the Tree, follow through and keep your
word. If you receive gifts through the Tree, follow through and
send a thank-you. If you don't like the way the Tree is run, don't
participate, or offer nice suggestions privately to the list owner.

If some of your ferrets don't get gifts, don't act like a baby and post
about it. Do you really think your ferrets know who got a gift and who
didn't? Do you really think your ferrets even know it's Christmas?
Really? If someone doesn't follow through on a promise, privately
notify the list owner if you want.

If you have time to post ferrets to the Tree, you certainly can find
time to send a thank-you. If you have the time to post about how busy
you are, you have time to send those thank-yous. You should send a
written thank-you directly to the giver if you have their email or
snail mail address. For those anonymous gifts, a thank-you to the FML
is acceptable but shouldn't be a blanket thank-you just because you're
lazy. Be specific about which ferrets the gifts were for, and what they
were. Let the giver know they are appreciated. Being busy is no excuse
for bad manners. Often, people just want to know that their gift was
received. And others do genuinely want to be recognized for the gifts
they have sent.

I read a lot of the posts about the Giving Tree and wonder whether you
would tolerate your children acting the way you are acting. Would you
allow them to act that way if a relative didn't send a gift this year?
I certainly hope you are raising them better than that.

Maybe next year we can all resolve to see the Ferret Giving Tree for
what it is. It's one other way for people to help shelter ferrets. It's
one other way for the shelters to receive some help they might need.
It's NOT an entitlement. And, it certainly shouldn't be counted on to
support your shelter/rescue. It's a bonus. Remember that, and try to
remember the spirit of the season.


[Posted in FML 7305]