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Tue, 1 Feb 2011 21:29:41 -0500
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (102 lines)
It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was lounging outside in
the beautiful sunshine just watching the flutterbyes. My it was so
pretty. All of a sudden, she heard the flutter of wings, (no it wasn't
the flutterbyes) and she looked up to see Dexter, the little boy
courier, making a plunging dive towards her. It was much too late for
her to take cover anywhere. CRASH! Two ferrets were mixed up, but as
it was the Bridge, no one was seriously hurt, except for FEELINGS. As
they got untwisted from the wreckage, Dexter said,

"SawaFewwet, I twied to land wight, but you keep moving my landing
pwace. But anyway, a fewwet is cwossing the Bwidge and his Mommy is
wanting you to meet him. What's up with these Mommys wanting you to
gweet their fewwets anyway? Now you best gets over to there cause you
knows how upset the Boss gets when you is late. Is there anyone you
wants me to get?"

He handed me the note and I read it and asked him to fetch the right
ones. It was no use saying anything to Dexter about his attitude. I had
tried and there was no use trying to change him. But he was a loooong
way from ever being considered for a bridgegreeter. Then I flew off to
the entrance, hoping for once I would be on time.

I looked around for the fuzzy and then I spotted him or rather he
spotted me, as all of a sudden, I felt a "WHOMP" atop me. He said,
"Now I gotcha, you has to tell me who you are." So as I pryed my body
out from under him, i introduced myself,

"Hi, I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Usually I don't meet
fuzzies that way by being pounced on, but I see that is your custom.
Welcome to the Rainbow Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. You will
have no more pain or suffering. You will run on green grass forever
and have lotsa friends. Did I mention de fun and games?"

He said, "My name is Pippin and I must apologize for pouncing on you. I
didn't recognize that you were a ladyferret. My Mommy Alison would be
most upset with me. I hope I didn't hurt you. I don't mean to be rude,
but where are these friends at? I just see you and me. Are there any
places to play? What kind of games do you play here? I guess I always
ask too many questions. And what are those things on your shoulders?
They sure look funny."

I replied, "Its nice to meet you Pippin. No I am not damaged. I have
been pounced on by the best. You will see your friends in a little
while, so just be patient. They will show you all the neat places to
play and all the games. And the cottages are so beautiful. As for these
things on my shoulders, these are wings. Wings are great for flying
about the heavens, it beats hopping from cloud to cloud. You will get
you very own pair, just like mine, well not exactly, yours will be boy
wings, special designed for you. So if you will follow me.

But at that moment a fuzzy ran up to him and said his name was Frikkie.
He said, I know you don't know me, but I lived with Mommy befor you
came and crossed the Bridge, but we share her, so we can be brothers
here." So Pippin knew they had a shared one in common, sow we three
went down the path to the Wing House where the wings were stored. We
opened the door and on the counter was a big box (of course). He opened
the box and took out de wings--bright purple with silver streaks. I
helped him put on his wings and Frikkie adjusted his halo. Then he ran
to the big vanity mirror and gazed at his reflection. Then he turned to
me and said, "Gee I wish Mommy could see me now." Then I got an idea.

We went out the door and down the path to the Misting Pond. We sat down
beside the cool clear water and with one swish Pippin saw the vision of
his family appear. He got so excited he started waving and dooking with
all of his might.

"I love you all so much. Thank you for loving me. I am feeling so much
better now. I have wings now and soon I will be able to fly. Oh yes, I
found a brother here, so I won't be lonely. I really will try to behave
myself here."

Then he began to throw hugs and kisses and laid them on a nearby
shooting star which was headed to your house and by the time you should
read this it should have landed there. And with another swish the
vision was gone.

So we left there and went down another road where we were met by a
small group of fuzzies who introduced themselves as Jimmy, Nudge,
Ash and Sammy, all of course part of the NZ Clan. They were part the
Welcoming Committee for Pippin, they said. So we went a short way until
we came to the NZ Cottages which you could tell by the Flag flying
above it. Oh a number of flags flying over the cottages. These NZ
fuzzies were very proud of their heritage, you see. Pippin was
downright amazed at the large group. "Who are these ferrets? he asked
Jimmy. "Oh some are NZ ferrets and others are Europeans, like Danes,
and others are Domestic Americans--you have to be careful of them as
they are rather dainty and fragile--Miss SaraFerret is a fragile one of
those." I just smiled and thought to myself you'll think fragile if I
get a chance. Then Pippin saw the food laid out and his eyes just about
popped out. Music started a-playing and ferrets began dancing. Some
were eating at the food tables. I was invited to stay and eat and
dance. Jimmy invited me to stay and dance and have a snack. But I knew
I had best go on home. So I gave Pippin a hug and said my goodbyes.

Fragile Domestic Ferrets, My Foot.

Lovey and Hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6961]