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Tue, 19 Mar 2013 14:33:21 -0400
Randy FerretAid <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
Hello fellow ferret lovers! It's been a VERY long time since I've
written and an even longer time since I've asked for your help and
support. Many things have gone on with our shelter over the last few
years, many of which had a lot to do with a mysterious illness I have
been dealing with for almost 3 years now. It's been a little hellish
but I have been blessed to have the terrific volunteers that I do who
have filled my shoes the best that they can.

I am so sorry I have been out of touch with all of you, my dear friends
who have been there for me during the last 18+ years the shelter has
been with me. I am calling on you again now to help me with something
that would mean a LOT to my shelter and to my hard working volunteers.

We have been nominated as on of Canada's Worst Charity web sites. I
know, sad right LOL??? WELL, as a finalist of 12 of the worst of the
worst, we have a chance to get a free web site make over and this is
where I need your help. The winner is decided by voting and I'm asking
you all to vote for us please. You can vote daily so I will pop into
the FML on occasion to ask you to please remember for us. I ask that
you get your friends and family to vote too. If there is one thing I
know about the community on the FML, we have always been great pulling
together for the same cause and I'm hoping you will all do that for
our shelter now.

Please go to www.WorstCharityWebsite.ca and vote for our shelter.
Again, please vote daily and encourage anyone you know to help too.
You guys have always been so awesome and I know you'll do great
helping us now.

Love you all!!!
Randy Belair

[Posted in FML 7736]