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Thu, 21 Jul 2011 18:15:04 -0400
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (121 lines)
This site tells about a number of efficient bulb options (because the
U.S. standards do NOT require only certain TYPES of bulbs but instead
require a specific minimum efficiency) so if you want efficient
incandescent bulbs there actually are some options already and will
be more in the future if the standards are not lost because it IS a
doable problem:


Efficient bulbs turn more the energy fed into them into light and less
into heat so in a heat wave it is good to know your options on that

We still have a/c but with the heat wave are operating it between 78'
to 80' F in the day and have turned off most appliances and lights. We
are also wetting down towels to let evaporation in our condo help cool
it, using good windows, using lace curtains, opening other curtains
only as much as is needed, etc. Today Pivot found that she loves to
play in a shallow basin of water while Orville found that he likes to
play with ice cubes.

Pivot protected me yesterday, even though it did involve me getting a
nip. I was using a battery powered toothbrush which buzzes and she
must have either had an early life experience, or have a built-in
warning, or both because she went nuts wanting to protect me from it.
Translation seems to be something like: motorized toothbrush in Mom's
mouth means Mommy is stupid enough to bite a huge wasp.

When my ipod signals me that it is time for eye meds she acts more like
she is around a katydid or a cricket. Big oddly shaped insect...

BTW, we got the good news on Tuesday that the eye surgery brought my
pressure back down into reasonable levels, so now instead of a rapid
second surgery on this eye we can do the better eye's surgery next
week. Last time the surgery lasted 4 years which is better than what is
typically found for this type which works well for me (types of laser
surgery used vary among individuals). Also, very much in my favor is
that treatment approaches are improving so there are things to use
aggressively as needed before more serious surgeries to create blebs
are required.

Reminder to all:

If you are above 60 without any problems found then you need to get an
eye pressure check each year.

If you are African American, or have a family history of glaucoma, or
both then you should get your eye pressures checked annual beginning
no later than age 50.

If you have ocular hypertension without glaucoma then your
ophthalmologist will decide how often to check your pressure and do
peripheral vision tests to make sure that it does not become glaucoma,
usually multiple times a year for the first and at least once a year
for the second.

If you are younger and have no warning signs and no family history of
glaucoma then get your eye pressures checked every 2 years, but if you
notice indications that your peripheral vision might be developing
blind spots (a few examples: holding a needle in front of one eye to
thread it instead of holding it in the center, tripping over things
more than usual without being in bifocals or trifocals, bumping into
people who are to the side of you because you did not see them in time)
then get in to see an ophthalmologist (rather than an optometrist or an
optician) soon.

If you develop sudden eye pain and your eye gets red do not assume it
is conjunctivitis, especially if you are Asian-non-Causasian. It may be
an acute glaucoma episode so get it checked right away. This problem
happens in all races but more often in one.

There is congenital glaucoma, too, and that can sometimes be managed
for a number of years, even decades for some, so pediatricians and new
parents need to realize that rare problem exists.

Eye pressures are NOT related to blood pressure.

Currently, in the U.S. about half of the people with glaucoma still
get help too late for anything to be done, not only to minimize damage
but to avoid blindness. For most of the ones who have the more common
slower onset form that could have been avoidable but they did not
realize that by the time most people notice the blind patches the
damage often has become extreme. Treatments are improving, though, and
some people notice loss earlier than others, so do not be afraid to
seek help from an ophthalmologist if you think that you have blind
areas developing.

Pressure checks are easy and painless; most just involve a puff of air.
Even when more serious types of pressure checks are done -- like the
ones using numbing drops that I get at least 4 times a year -- they are
easy and painless. Visual field tests are boring but painless. Even
laser surgery for glaucoma is easy though it feels like pinching in a
very few places and there are a few days of soreness and a need to
avoid bright lights and rest eyes for a while afterward, and many of
the current eye drops for glaucoma are also easy though not all types
work for all people, and some will turn the eyes of about 15% of people
with light colored eyes darker as is happening with me.

Just a note to help you. There is no reason that I should be the only
one fortunate enough to be helped in a timely fashion. :-)

Sukie (not a vet)

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"All hail the procrastinators for they shall rule the world tomorrow."
(2010, Steve Crandall)

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