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Fri, 7 Oct 2011 17:46:44 -0400
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The unexpected passing of Robin Hochgertel is a sad day for me and for
all of us in the ferret community. I will always remember Robin as a
dedicated friend who poured her heart, life and soul into the cause of
unwanted domesticated ferrets.

Under her direction, FerretsFirst always accepted any ferret in need
regardless of age or medical condition, in many cases from animal
control agencies located hours away from her home in Annandale, VA.
Many of the ferrets she accepted were very old or in horrible medical
condition, but that didn't matter - they always had a place to live
at FerretsFirst.

No matter what, Robin was always there for the ferrets. I can't count
the number of times that she stayed up all night with a depressed
ferret who wasn't doing well due to illness or shelter shock. She would
spend the night on her couch, half asleep and half awake, with the
little sick or depressed fuzzy in a sleepy sack on her chest, making
sure that they knew that they were not alone and that someone cared
about them. Sometimes, in spite of Robin's efforts and the efforts of
some of the best ferret vets in the country, the little fuzzies were
too sick or depressed to live, and she experienced every single passing
as if it were one of her very own pets.

Robin was also someone who was always there for any ferret owner when
help was needed. She went out of her way to assure all of her adopters,
fosterers and ferret friends that she was available day or night should
they ever need her for anything.

Like many people involved in animal rescue, Robin experienced an awful
lot of stress and loss in a relatively short period of time, much
more than most everyday people have to endure in a lifetime. I really
don't know how she did it all. As a result of Robin's hard work and
sacrifice, there are about five hundred ferrets from around the
Washington DC/suburban Maryland/Northern Virginia region and beyond
that were spared from euthanization at a municipal animal shelter.
Nearly all of these ferrets ended up in great forever homes as adoptees
or hospice fosters, and those that could not be adopted or fostered
were able to live out the rest of their lives with someone who cared
very deeply for each and every one of them until it was their them to
go the the Rainbow Bridge.

Robin was a tough lady and never one to back down from a fight, and
that side of her came across a few times here on the FML. Some of you
may only know Robin from these few controversies. It is my hope that
you can accept Robin as someone who was very passionate about what she
believed in and forgive her if she offended you. All of us have moments
where our passion gets the best of us. Robin was *very* passionate.
There are few people who are as passionate about the cause of unwanted
pets as Robin was, and it was a privilege to know her.

Robin paid it forward big time, and you can bet there's a huge party
going on at the Rainbow Bridge right now. I'm sure that her beloved
Pierre, along with Dusty, Callie, Fat Jack, Levi, Sadie, Loki, Ricki,
Francie, Thelma, Louise, Hunter, Erin, Sweetheart, Smokey, Mr. C.,
Buffy, Alaina 1 and 2, Samantha, Patience and the rest her Permanent
Residents club have gathered all of the FerretsFirst ferrets at the
Bridge for a huge bash, along with Squiggs and the other non-weasel
pets that Robin loved and lost while she was here on Earth. It would
sure be nice if the Bridge Greeters could report back to let us know
that our good friend Robin made it to the Bridge and was able to find
her party and all of her furry friends.

Jack Anderson
Grateful FerretsFirst Volunteer, Fosterer and Adopter

[Posted in FML 7206]