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Tue, 19 Nov 2013 05:01:53 -0500
text/plain (133 lines)
So Miss Iliana we understand that you are Miku and Kiwi's far away mom.
Where do you live?

I live in the township of Gorham but have a Canandaigua address

Why do you live in one place and have a different address?


How did you happen to find our shelter?

I was doing a search for ferrets

Why were you searching for ferrets?

I was looking for a playmate for Hershey since my oldest ferret Stinky
had earned her wings.

What made you decide to help our Mum take care of us and support Miku
and Kiwi?

After visiting the shelter with my son I felt that Brenda could use
some help, being retired I had all the time in the world. I decided
to support Miku and Kiwi after sweet Bandita and Delilah crossed the
Rainbow Bridge.

Who are Bandita and Delilah?

Two sweet ferrets that I was sponsoring.

Can you tell us what sponsoring means and how it works?

Sponsorship is helping mum take care of fuzzy butts by donating money
for their care on a monthly basis.

How long have you been a shelter supporter?

I think since June 2009

Do you do anything else to help support the shelter?

I help wherever I can, cleaning, transferring ferrets, setting up and
tearing down for clinic day, and other events, etc.

Mum tells us you are on the board what does that mean and what do you
do on that board?

I am one of 8 members of the board that help run the shelter by helping
make decisions that affect the future of the shelter.

Do you own any fuzz butts?

Yes I have 2 Hershey who is 6-1/2 and Emi who is 3-1/2 (ETA- Hershey
crossed Rainbow Bridge before interview was published)

Do you work out side your home and if so what do you do?

No I am a homemaker now; I am a retired Spanish Teacher, taught 30

Wow how did you happen to teach Spanish and where did you teach it?

Both my parents were teachers and Spanish is my native language so it
was the easiest path to take. I taught only at Canandaigua first grades
7-8 at the Jr. Academy which is now an apt complex on main street and
then at the present Middle School on Granger ST.

You obviously like ferrets why?

Ferrets are very unique creatures and they provide enjoyment and
companionship just like cats but way better than cats! :-)

What's your favorite game?

Favorite is blanket ride as they jump on it as I flutter the blanket
and they climb it and go through it when folded lengthwise on the

These are the things we like to do, do you play any of these games?

a) Running through tunnels

We encourage our two ferrets to chase each other through the tunnels...
it is great fun to watch.

b) Hide and seek yes

c) Tag- yes

d) jumping/digging in peanuts, dirt, rice- no they do like to play
in the dirt though

But they love playing with plastic grocery bags, Emi will take them
downstairs to her stash of goodies and Hershey likes to get inside
and scratch the bag.

e) Other: please provide an example

Our ferrets love to have blanket rides and tend to chase each other
inside the blanket too.* my favorite

What do you like best about ferrets?

How cute they are, they are such pretty animals.

Animals are we animals? Mum calls us her 4 legged fur kids we aren't

OOPs sorry you are kids!

Phew boy we were scared that we were animals some people hurt animals,
we are sure glad we are Mum's fur kids

What do you like least about ferrets?

Some ferrets like to bite and hurt each other.

If you had the power to do anything you wished what would that be?

Um that's a hard one. Possibly to stop the hatred there is in the
world. :-(

That would be awesome; Thank you Miss Iliana for allowing us to
interview you, we are so thrilled that you took the time to answer
our questions. We are thrilled to add that Miss Ili now has a new fur
kid Crumpets

Sarah and Daisy

[Posted in FML 7966]