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Sat, 7 May 2011 22:54:53 -0400
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OK...To the folks who really, really want to rid their homes, outdoors,
cars, WHATEVER ...sprinkling ferret poo /aka droppings aka/ turds to
"scare off" any rodent-type beast just from the ferret poop smell,
sight, possible threat....Ummmmm. Just does not work. No pooping 'ya. I
have a 97-yr-old small home with hardwood floors. Been here 10 years.

NEVER even seen any form/sign of single much less the rodent. rodent
gruntie until... last July (I think). You would think with my
home/shelter having a minimum of 25-35 ferrets at any given time just
might detour these wood chewing, metal can eating, crapping rodents,
but OH NO. It finally came down to my ferrets or the
ratties/mousies/whatever they are. Paige swears they are not the
typical Rattus Funkus.

I've trapped 7 in have-a-heart traps and driven many miles to release
them (I make sure they are close to some kind of food source with woods
around) but when one of my 6-yr-old ferret girls killed one at 3am (the
rodent had the nerve to try and walk atop her cage) I heard all hell
break loose, nothing like a screaming rodent, which, btw, puts any
squealing pig to shame. I stumbled into the main ferret room, 1/2
asleep, where I witnessed what the heck was going on. Rose had this
said rodent by the face, thru the bars, and would not let go. She
dragged said rattie through a 1" x 2" opening within seconds, and I
couldn't leave for fear the rodent might inflict damage. EWWW!!! In
less than 45 seconds-to-1 minute, This nasty-ass fight stared w/ Rattus
on bottom, Rose pinnng Rattus. Rose had flipped rodent on it's belly,
and in a few shakes of the neck, all was said & done. I opened the
cage, snatched rattus-funkus and took off.

The only house pet I own is a 9 yr-old worthless lazy cat who ignores
the rodents. She did get one that I know of. Caught her in the act.
Rose, the older little fert girl, has the cat beat. Rose: 2 Cat:1:
Me:7. (Rose was one of Nancy Clarke;s ferret- Rose was given to her in
2005, to hopefully lift her spirits).

Sooo..I gave up and called a professional rattie/termite service. FYI,
these rattus-funkus are not living in my home, attic, etc. They live
outdoors and burrow into the underbrush and make tunnels. Close to a
big-butt creek and lots of woods. I'm working on sealing 2 areas in my
home's foundation to keep 'em out, and have a tornado door to replace
down below. I have LONG since moved any food source & keep barrel cans
w/ ferret foods inside locked away.

As for wabbits, just ask Paige Collier-Paige handles most of our
adoption here in Virginia, she has 7 acres of property with a 3 1/2
yr-old home they built around the main ferret room(s). She cleans fert
cages...places all in a wheelbarrow, trots down paths and dumps mounds
of poop in her woods. When she and/or her hubby stroll along paths
later on, just guess what they see in multiples sitting ON TOP of
ferret poop??? Uh-Huh...wabbits. Lots & Lots of wabbits. Guess it might
be a form of "King of the Hill".

Personally, I think if a person would just mark territory, the wabbits
or rodents would get the hell far, far away. Wouldn't you?

Sorry to rain on the poop parade. Just wanted to let you know that our
shelter ferret's pooey does not work.

Marlene Blackburn
Richmond Ferret Rescue League

[Posted in FML 7056]