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Fri, 20 Jan 2012 12:22:54 -0800
Susan Baker <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (99 lines)
Hi everyone,

I wanted to give you all an update on our Rabbit da Brave Ferret. He
is doing very well! He still sleeps a lot, but I think he needs it.
He didn't rest very good when he was so sick. Rabbit is enjoying his
beautiful new bedding set he got from his Giving Tree Santa! He can't
ever decide which piece to sleep in and it is very cute to see him
trying out everything - and I never know where his little head is
gonna pop out!

Rabbit is eating much better. He's eating his kibbles and his Magic
Duck Soup. Some days he eats better than others and I get worried when
he shows no interest in his food. A couple of days ago his kibble was
undisturbed and he turned his nose up at his soup. So I syringe fed
him and gave him a lecture. The next day he was eating. ::sheesh::

So, I don't know if being sick for so long has just messed up his body
and he doesn't feel hungry or if it's just part of his healing process?
I am giving him famotidine and he is getting a dose pack of pred. -
we have two more weeks of doing pred and he will be off of it. I did
discuss this with Dr. Dori and she didn't seem too concerned at this
point, so we will just keep on doing what we are doing and continue
to watch him close.

Anyway, despite the sporadic eating issue, he is slowly putting on some
weight. I can definitely feel him getting heavier. We have a scale now,
so I am weighing him daily. I do weigh him the same time every day,
but his weight, according to the scale, is up and down. That gets
frustrating, because we go to the scale with high expectations. When
it shows his weight as having gone down, I begin to worry.

I worry a lot, haha!

The pathology report came back on his spleen and tissue from his
pancreas. I got a copy of it and discussed it with Dr. Dori yesterday
evening. They found congestion and EMH (extramedullary hematopoeisis --
this means blood cells were being formed on the outside of the spleen)
and the findings are "nonspecific". It says this is common -- even in
some healthy ferrets. The best news is: "There was no evidence of
neoplasia (cancer)"!!! OMG~Yay!!!

The pancreatic tissue was "consistent with insulinoma and the nodules
were adequately removed".

The prognosis: "Long term --- potentially guarded"

Yeah, that was not a hurricane. It was just me, breathing a huge sigh
of relief!

I think we can all agree that this is very good news!! Whew ~ Thank
God. And thank every one of you. The prayers you sent for Rabbit, the
love we felt...man, that has been incredible! Now the work with him
involves getting him fattened up and encouraging him to play and be
happy! Rabbit is a very serious ferret, you see, with only occasional
outbursts of ferret silliness. But, the poor little guy has had a lot
to be serious about in his life. Perhaps now he will dance again.

I am so happy to bring all of you this wonderful news! Our work is not
done, but at least we are on the other side of the worst stuff. As you
can well imagine, our vet bills are quite expensive and will be coming
due very soon. We still need your help!! If you have not checked out
the raffle page for Rabbit yet, please do, and help us by buying
tickets! There are some fantastic items on there that have been
generously donated by some wonderful folks. And, we are adding one
more last minute item: A t-shirt with Rabbit's picture that says,
"I Took a Chance on Rabbit". Be the first on your block to have one!

MAILED TO US BY TUESDAY, JAN. 24 (and it is OK to post-date check for
the 27th)!! Hurry and get the best tickets! :) Just follow this link:

So, click on Rabbit's Benefit page and dive in to the raffle goodness!
If you are not a raffle kind of person, we can take donations any
time -- even after the raffle ends. So please keep us in mind and
help us in any way possible. Thanks so much!

Of course, I will continue to update everyone on Rabbit's progress. As
I said before, he is truly Everyone's Ferret. So many people have been
watching his progress and he has captured their hearts!

Oh! I am also trying to keep updates and photos on my Facebook pages:
http://www.facebook.com/susanm1.baker?ref=tn_tnmn and

Thanks for continuing to pray and for your support!

Many blessings from Susan,  Rabbit and all the other ferrets
at FriskyBiznus!!

Dooks ~n~ Dances,
Susan Baker, Owner/Director
Friskybiznus Ferret Sanctuary

[Posted in FML 7311]