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Wed, 6 Apr 2011 23:48:52 -0400
Greeter 421 <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (112 lines)
Oliver and No. 421 had ordered their seeds and were spreading the
winter compost on their garden. No. 421 was planning a big one so
he could sell some of the extra produce at his farm stand.

There was a flutter of wings and bluebird landed on the special perch
No 421 built for her.

"Hi Bluebird," No. 421 said. "What have we here, another ticket?"

Bluebird chirped a yes and handed No. 421 a ticket for Felix. No. 421
studied the ticket. "It says here he has family here he never met, No.
421 said.

"This will be a tough one, but I think we can handle it. We will get
him settled and at the next village barbeque, we will find his family."

Oliver and No. 421 set off for the Bridge and arrived just in time to
see a lone ferret struggling to cross. Oliver ran over to the other
side to lend a paw and say "Hello".

Oliver asked the new fellow if his name was Felix and did he have
anyone he remembered here.

"Yes, my name is Felix and I was only at my forever home for a short
time," the big ferret said." I think I would like to live alone for
a while. You can come and visit me, but I really need some time to

No. 421 was sitting in his chair watching Oliver do a greeting. He was
not doing to bad, No. 421 thought. Oliver was a wonderful currier and a
good friend to ferrets. Felix would do well with Oliver helping him get

Felix came over and sat down by No. 421. "Where do I go from here," he
asked? I do not have a mound, I have no family that I know, what am I
to do?"

Felix looked very sad indeed. Shooting Star came by to see if she could
help in any way. No. 421 was thinking. "We could have a Welcome Spring
barbecue," he said, "Felix can stay with us while he builds his mound,
or maybe we can find family at the barbeque."

No. 421 called Shooting Star and asked her how long she needed to get
a party going on the weekend?

"I could get Gentle Breeze to help and I'll bet the musicians would
play for us," she said. "Let me work on it, and we will schedule it
for tomorrow afternoon."

The next day dawned bright and clear. Felix spent the night with Oliver
and No. 421. Oliver made the breakfast oatmeal, and Felix was helping
No. 421 make the hammies up.

Gentle Breeze stopped by and told No. 421 Shooting Star had called all
her star friends and the party was going to be this noon at the cloud

No. 421, Oliver and Felix finished up their chores and started out for
the park. Ferrets came from everywhere and the smell of barbeque Nbones
was enough to make your mouth water.

The band started to play and Felix was wondering if he would find
anyone to dance with when a pretty ferret came over and asked his name.

"I think I know you from somewhere," she said. "I think we were in a
cage together at a night drop. I remember being awful sick and
snuggling up to you to keep warm. I am pretty sure it was you; I never
forget a ferret I knew. I remember going to a big room, then I went to
sleep and woke up here. I never knew what happened to you."

Felix's nose twitched. He knew this gal. Could it be the gal that he
was with that awful night? The band started playing another song and
everyone was dancing. Felix wasn't much of a dancer, but she didn't
seem to notice. When the music ended, they went to the table for some
ferretone tea. Sitting on a bench drinking tea, he was sure this was
his old friend.

"When did you get here," she asked. Felix told her he had arrived
yesterday and was looking for a place to build a mound.

"I have a big mound over by the water falls and I have extra room,"
she said. "You could come with me."

Felix was sure this was his old friend from bygone days. "Okay" he
said. "Let's go tell No. 421 and Oliver we found each other."

No. 421 and Oliver were enjoying some Nbones when Felix arrived with
his old friend. "No. 421 and Oliver, I want to thank you for all you
did for me," Felix said. "This is my old friend who was with me in the
mail drop. I will be going home with her to her mound as she is the
only family I have at the moment."

Shooting Star came over to see how Felix was doing. He told her he had
found family and thanked her for the wonderful party.

"Ms. Star," he said. "Could I send a message home to my earth family
and tell them I found my old friend?"

Shooting Star said she would take the message home right after the
party. No. 421 and Oliver stayed and helped Shooting Star with the
clean up; Felix and old his friend went down the path to the waterfalls
with some barbeque Nbones for supper.

No. 421 and Oliver bagged up the trash for Shooting Star; then went
home. No. 421 wrote in his logbook, Mission Completed. The party was a
success, Felix found his old friend and the two have gone home to talk
about old times. It's been a busy two days, so after a cup of tea, its
off to bed for me.

[Posted in FML 7025]