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Sun, 26 Dec 2010 02:58:33 -0500
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (100 lines)
First of all...Greetings and Merry Christmas to All.

Ferret Food, Kitten Chow and running out of food. To the person who
answered the post about Purina...Don't you think you were a little
harsh? Even copying and pasting some excerpts from their post and
including their email address link...They did ask for an answer to
their question: "Is Purina Kitten Chow okay to feed ferrets?" A simple
"NO my friend, it is not..." and go on to explain how most of the
protein is from veg. not meat and I haven't gone out and looked at a
bag in a while, so your comment that it's made mostly of corn is, at
least to me at this time, unfounded. If I were asked what to do if
someone ran out of good ferret food I would have said that if they
could make some chicken baby food up for them it would serve to feed
them a meat based food that was good for them and get them used to
something they may have to feed them if perhaps they became ill or were
recovering from surgery etc. Your idea to keep back some good food as
sort of a reserve to last until more could be acquired is actually a
good idea.

Wal-Mart is indeed a horrible store that sells anything that can make
them a profit, disregarding any other factors...money is king in their
owners (I know it's a publicly traded company and I mean the holders of
51%+) world of plenty with no limit of what they can posses. Michael
Jackson with all his riches (when he was alive...Idiot) was even able
to purchase the "BONES" OF ANOTHER HUMAN simply because his skeleton
was unique due to a severe case of childhood arthritis and he wanted it
to place it in one corner of his home that's the size of a small town.

Shelters, hoarders & fraud...People involved with the FML really do
judge and pick ferrets from the Ferret Giving Tree then not send
anything because they feel the place isn't a shelter or isn't one
anymore or worse, aren't able to take in anymore due to over capacity
or other reasons!? I am operating a rescue and this is the second year
we put up some ferrets on the tree. Our first experience with the tree
last year is one of mixed feelings. One person or couple,
whatever/whoever they were, were just doing it for advertising, took 4
of our ferrets from the tree and sent ONE small box of samples of food
or treats or whatever the home made stuff was supposed to be plus one
small bag of Wysong Architype II ferret food and maybe a ball or
something. No that's not all, there was a price list and order forms
and some business cards I think. Not ONE of our rescues would touch
that stuff with a 10 foot pole and there was actually 2 that were very
young and not imprinted yet! I felt cheated for my ferret's sake...They
were honest refugees of the throw-away mentality of America. I remember
when TV's and radios were repaired and some of you may even remember
shoe repair shops! Nowadays, if a person gets tired of something or it
doesn't work right it's just thrown away, and that includes pets with
feelings and hearts and love for their human that was wasted because it
wasn't returned. (I digress) That same year we were blessed by someone
who over indulged our rescues (only 1-2 were taken from the tree) with
many beautiful lovingly hand made bedding items, toys and you name
it's...I want to say her name but I'm keeping everything anonymous in
this post. She may know who I'm talking about, the person who saved
Christmas at this particular shelter just might know who I am and I
hope she'll keep it to herself. This year another wonderful person took
many more of our ferrets from the tree and I was just SHOCKED not only
that it could happen to us two years in a row but the ONLY times we
posted...you see we hadn't received anything yet and as it turned out
she made Christmas for this shelter this year... The other care
packages were really nice too and we got no advertisers this year but I
was just waiting to be disappointed again this year and it never came
to pass because this person is an angel and as I said earlier I want to
say her name but... anonymous. She showered us with gifts and even I
was blessed, yes the human got something and it was something good!

If someone is taking in ferrets or took in as many as they could in the
course of operating as a shelter and I'm not saying that anyone with
5+ ferrets should call themselves a shelter but I mean if they have a
legal business relationship with the IRS in the name of a shelter
whether or not they have their 501c3, they should have the right to
call themselves such. Everyone knows operating a shelter in a NO PROFIT
business and not having the 501c is only a hardship because that little
number will get you the right to do so many things to generate income
and help and discounts etc., etc. The ones who, for whatever reason
don't have their 501c need more help than anybody else if the truth be
known! Wait, the truth is known and it's known by me...I don't have
mine and sure wish I did especially when I'm at the vet's, really low
on money and I have to spend my own food money on a procedure for one
of my babies, a ferret that nobody wanted and just threw away with no
regard for their feelings or whether or not they'd survive the night
for that matter. They mustn't have...no bulletin board postings
anywhere in my small town for a lost ferret! He was skinny and covered
in fleas when he came to us, found by someone who knows me and what I
do and not many do...gotta keep it a secret because I don't have my
501c3! Maybe someone might call me a hoarder and then everybody dies
because no one else in this town wants 'em! I guess the local vet would
make money to kill 'em all and I'd probably be fined to make up the
city's costs plus expenses!

I say leave the judging up to God and live your life and let others
live theirs, unless you think you're entitled to be seated next to God
of course.

Merry Christmas everybody.


[Posted in FML 6923]