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Sun, 28 Nov 2010 19:24:37 -0800
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Nancy inquired in a public forum, My reply comes through that same
public forum:
>I noticed that you were very careful to say "under the guise of
>adoption". So I will re-phrase the question..... Do you take pets
>that have been advertised for free or for a nominal fee to feed to
>your ferrets?

What part of my previous reply did you not understand? The only animals
I have acquired for feeding purposes are those that were sold as such
or being thrown away or were ones I've raised myself.

Nancy doesn't think she owes an apology - o.k. She claims to have the
goodness and light brigade bivouacking at her email box. This same
brigade prevents folks from posting publicly how to move into the
natural world.

To the anonymous poster writing:
>How can anyone watch or allow a poor live mouse, chick, hamster or
>whatever the animal is, suffer a cruel and most likey slow death being
>eaten alive or if this is true "throw a rat pup in a blender for
>ferret soup":
Dispatch of prey is NOT slow and the animals are not eaten alive --
ferrets dispatch the prey exceptionally fast, it is very much expired
when the ferret is eating. Rat pups are no more alive than the chicken
parts blended for soup! Good grief people!

Accept or not the natural feeding program - but don't discourage those
inquiring about it and continue to spew myths. Only time will tell if
the natural diet I offer actually does offer my ferrets longevity
beyond that of a kibble fed ferret. I'm rather inclined to believe what
Bob Church has revealed about life spans. If that's the case then at
least I know my ferrets will avoid several health issues that are all
too common for kibble crunchers.

Besides improved fur,their teeth improve and their whole body tone and
energy level are better than kibble fed; but you won't know until you
venture into it.

Many 20 year old ferrets is hard to swallow. Folks having ferrets
living so long ought to be in the guinness book! Existing for "X"
amount of time is NOT the same as living for "X" amount of time. Laying
in a cuddle cup day after day, defecating on them self, enduring shot
after shot or dose after dose of meds, devoid of fur, unable to walk,
being syringe fed every meal is NOT a healthy happy life for any

Nancy says:
>People eat meat but do not kill animals
People cutting meat from the live animals? If I had to I could easily
raise livestock as natural as possible for the sole purpose of inviting
them to dinner. The mice I raise are just that - simply livestock for
the ferrets (and my snake).

>pre-killed or bought from a store
Buying from a store makes death more humane? Dying suffocated in CO2
chambers is humane? Gasping for breathe, leaping, crawling, clawing
one another to find some breathable air, the ones expiring defecating
and urinating on the ones still clinging to life? Who says the marketed
feeder animals are housed humanely? My feeder animals are. The ferret
dispatch is much faster and more humane than any CO2 chamber or
cervical dislocation!

>People on this list have described to me how you post photos of live
>prey being torn apart by your ferrets.
There is no tearing apart of the mouse - the ferret simply is eating
just like they eat a chicken wing.

><You actually set up what looks like a miniature dog fighting arena
>including splash boards to contain the blood.
This is ludicrous and totally fabricated! Such a statement illustrates
lengths people will go to denigrate someone they disagree with! One
video online shows an elderly former kibble cruncher who happily
converted to natural food. Videoed in a Rubbermaid tub to illustrate
the speed and cleanliness of the kill as the ferret develops his
skills. Good lord your imagination is running wild! Only 26 seconds
elapsed from the time the mouse was placed in the bin until Fozzy
dispatched it. A prayer of thanks applied to the mouse for the
nourishment that it will be offering to the ferret.

You often say I am harassing & badgering; when Nancy has cursed my
after-life trip to the rainbow bridge:
>A personal note to Kim......when I go to the Rainbow Bridge to gather
>up my pets on the way to Heaven, I will gather your ferrets as well
>since your entrance will be blocked by children's pets that you have
>obviously enjoyed watching die.

Regardless of her imaginations; no child's pet has died at the teeth of
my ferrets!

Nancy has called me barbaric:
>Giving a living animal to another animal is barbaric...
ignoring how any purchase of pre-killed mice profits someone who kills
animals, and how the animals slaughtered for the dinner table are done
so for a profit?

Nancy has accused me of terrorizing children:
>The fact that Kim parades her ferrets in public so that she can
>terrorize children
Except that kids and parents show genuine interest to learn that
ferrets were used historically to kill vermin in cities and homes. And
that dozens of kids have enjoyed stroking my ferrets on Public walks
and had their pictures taken with them. Where's the terror in that?

Nancy has espoused unfounded rumors and innuendo:
>You actually set up what looks like a miniature dog fighting arena
>including splash boards to contain the blood.
please produce the link of said arena.

>"throw a rat pup in a blender for ferret soup"
already DEAD rat pups, like parts of dead chickens!

Nancy, pretends to CARE and wants to give me a hug? I definitely need
neither your insincere hug nor sympathy for your imagined view of my
childhood! I do celebrate life every day - that which is offered to
me and that which I can offer to my ferrets! If what has worked for
me could work for another ferret - I'll be happy to share and will
continue to do so!

Several progressive veterinarians post online of the benefits of a raw
natural diet. A veterinarian needn't approve what I feed my ferrets,
horse, potbelly pig, or snake! I DO appreciate life - all life. Nothing
barbaric in the ability to separate livestock from companions. Posting
about success with getting ferrets on the natural path isn't badgering
anyone to get theirs on the same path! All too often what gets posted
about raw and natural is mostly myth or out and out fabrications and
I simply do what I can to dispel them and to let people curious about
feeding naturally know that it IS a very healthy alternative for their

Its a shame nobody wants to discuss caloric differences, TDN, moisture
contents, nutrient analysis, cost comparisons, weight gains, pictorial
evidence or a plethora of other topics that a GOOD discussion and
debate can entail - nope - they'd rather turn the discussion into
a personal vendetta and moral which hunt! At least a few folks are
willing to take the plunge and honor their ferret's evolutionary
design! I'm happy what I have shared can be of help to them and their
ferrets! Thanks to for the several people posting support for the
natural diet!

Regards, Kim

please visit :
for ferret help and info:
yahoo groups Natural Ferrets

[Posted in FML 6896]