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Thu, 14 Apr 2011 14:27:17 -0700
Joanne Werstlein for SOS <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (105 lines)
It's time to remind you about the Support Our Shelters (SOS)
Buck-A-Month Club (BaM)!

Did you send in your donations for the April Buck-A-Month Club? You
did? Well Congrats! Hmmm I think I see some of you staring at the
computer confused going "what in the world is this person talking

Ok ok.... soooooooo let me explain.... for those that don't know... or
those that don't remember... or those that need this time to write the
check and find an envelope...... yes, you can take the envelope back
from the ferret ---- and no, you cannot ask the ferret to lick the
stamp for you because you won't get it back in a useable shape! :-) -
I tried that once... oh what a mess it was... Princess Pepper at the
time was NOT happy with me.... my oh my! I so will NOT try that with
her little sister Princess Bella!

About 9 years ago is when it all started... with such a simple
suggestion... send Support our Shelter (SOS) $1.00 a month. One little
dollar... that doesn't sound so bad... and when you think that $1.00
is still worth the same in this "club" as it was 9 years ago - thats
pretty BIG news! We decided to call it... the Buck-A-Month Club. You
didn't have to be rich to be "in the club". ANYONE could join the
club... ferrets, kids, cats, dogs... shoot... even FISH... and 
hoever else could come up with a dollar a month!

In 2002 I wrote: "Think of what that money would mean to all of the
shelters out there? $1.00 a month won't break you. You wouldn't even
know it was gone. " This STILL holds true. I have a certain amount
that I do a billpay for and I don't even notice that it's gone each
month... because what I send in is still less than what I could buy
ONE lunch for!

We have several people that just pay for the whole year at once.
$12.00... and we have several others who send in their money monthly as
they get it. You can send in $1.00 at a time... or more!

You can use PayPal or do BillPay from your bank and not have to think
about it again....but of course you can STILL donate more if you want!

Be sure you include your name for SOS Honor Roll! We also need your
address so that we can mail you your Membership Card (see below for

TOTAL RAISED FOR BaM March- $125.00
TOTAL FUNDS RAISED SO FAR FOR 2011: $543.00 --- goal is $2000

Our Current Buck-A-Month Club Members for 2011
57 Members: 2 NEW MEMBERS: Sheryl Atencio, Fran Brown, Sue Burda,
Nancy Busso, Michelle Chastain, Darlene Connon, Denise Craft, William
Davison, Jackie DeCarlo, Dianna Desrochers, Carolyn Distel, Stephanie
Downs, Mary Jo Dullum, Priscilla Gabrielle, Rose German, Trena
Girouard, Deena Haner, Mindy Harvey, Jackie Hawley, Angela Havens,
Kitty Hollerith, Robin Jones, John and Lee Julian, Anna King, Dawna
Kraus, Christi Lorenzo, Marilyn Ledoux, Nancy Mitchell, Angela
Neiswenter, Lacey Neiswenter, Pokey Neiswenter, Elizabeth S. Nelson,
Lisa Oestereich, Carol Owens, Roberta Page, Heather Pitman, Maren
Qualls, Tara Radford, Mildred Sanders, Nancy Sanders, Cindy Scheidt,
J. Scheer, Tracy Schmidt, Laurie Schubert, Lori Sies, Marsha Stanek,
Brenda Steinfurth, Howard Storms, Debra m. Van De Water, Helen
Wojciechowski, Roger Vaughn, Debra Ann Velia, Dr. Bob Wagner, Lisa
Watson, Joanne Werstlein, Linda Zerillo, Zoo's Ferret Sanctuary,
Brenda Zupko

If you don't see your name on here - PLEASE LET ME KNOW! (if you paid
in this current month you name will appear in next months email).

Now... here is the pretty cool part... a couple years ago... we started
to send out a BaM Membership Card to people paying their membership
"dues" for that year. We have continued that each year - and this year
is no different. The February Membership cards for those that just paid
in February are in the mail today!... not only do you get to help SOS
help shelters around the world... but you get a cute card for doing it
to show that you are a member of a Special Club.

If you would like to "join" please send a check or money to: (Make the
check out to Support Our Shelters)

C/O Support Our Shelters 
5511 Canteria Court
Sierra Vista, AZ  85635
or pay through PayPal (if paying through PayPal please send for the
full year).
Tax-Deductible Donations accepted through PayPal:
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(if you can't see the email link here it is with a space put in it
BAM @ Supportourshelters.org) make sure to put your mailing address
and name if doing paypal so I know who to send the card to
Please send all donations in US$. Friends outside the US can send money
orders or use PayPal, which will convert their currency for them if
they select US$ as the currency to be sent.


Joanne Werstlein

Feel free to crosspost to other groups!

[Posted in FML 7033]