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Thu, 21 Oct 2010 10:19:28 -0600
poppawoody Rademaker <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (60 lines)
I've been on the FML for about 18 yrs. but seldom post. This topic of
California ferrets gripes my a**! I keep hearing about this being a
Free Country but what I'm seeing is that we are only allowed to do,
say, have or enjoy what our government allows us. We also have to put
up with and suffer whatever our Government says is best for us.

I still can't understand why California's government officials can be
so ignorant. I've spent some time in LA on business and believe me
Ferrets are their least problem. Someone should point out the fact that
more vicious dogs have gone feral and even pet dogs have killed and
maimed more people than any ferret ever has. If what they say about
ferrets going feral is true why isn't the other 49 states overrun with
feral ferrets? It would make more sense to outlaw dogs, but then who
said the head of Fish & Wildlife had any sense. Why don't they outlaw
dogs you ask? Probably because the persons making and enforcing the law
has a Pit Bull, Rottweiler or German Shepherd. (Now before anyone gets
their shorts in a knot, I'm not saying that all these dogs are vicious
but they are bred and trained to be vicious by some mindless people.)
I live in Louisville, Ky and our local mayor has outlawed just about
everything EXCEPT texting and the use of cell phones while driving,
because that is what he does while telling everyone what a great job
he's doing. Thankfully he is finally on his way out. I truly feel sorry
for the next group of people that fall under his Rule!

In the time I spent in LA I felt like a foreigner in my own country. LA
is 40% Hispanic (and that's just the legal ones). With all the street
gangs, crime and illegal aliens I cant see how they have time to hunt
down and prosecute ferret owners. Probably because owning a ferret
generates a fine for the government where as there is no profit in
hunting down illegal aliens which cost the government money.

I currently have 4 ferrets and have owned ferrets for 20+ years. In
that time none of them have killed or maimed anyone! One even achieved
public notoriety as "Stretch", the Ferret Electrician and earned a
handsome income ($20 an hour) by pulling wires through conduits that
were normally inaccessible by conventional means. Anyone who has ever
seen Stretch thought he was adorable. He would always draw a crowd
whenever he showed up on the job site.

Why isn't Schwarzenegger standing up for ferrets? Since ol' Arnie was
filmed with a ferret around children (undisputable evidence in any
crime) shouldn't he be arrested and charged with endangering children?
I know that most politicians once elected seem to forget their
obligations and promises made to the public to get elected and start
riding the "Big Shot" role and collecting their "government checks"
knowing its too hard to get them removed. Maybe we should push for a
law that legalizes ferrets and outlaws idiot politicians and government
officials. Ferret owners in California should continue to fight for
their rights to own pet ferrets. Each time you lose a battle remind ol'
Arnie of his catch phrase; "We'll Be Back!"

Mike w/Levi, Heidi, Ellie & Shelby

[Moderator's note: I realize the post contains views which may not be
seen as "politically correct". Please limit any debates to the issues
of intolerance to ferrets rather intolerance to people. BIG]

[Posted in FML 6858]