Here are Buddy's blood results that just came in today. Please let me
know what you think might be going on.
[These came through pretty garbled, I think I lined it up right. I do
note lack of decimal in upper Ref range of Creatinine and Phosphorus
and an odd Red range for Glucose. Probably typos or e-mail glitchs
but that's how it was received and I didn't attempt to correct. It
should all line up with a monospace font, like Courier. BIG]
Tests Results Ref. Range Units
WBC 5.2 2.5 - 8.0 102/uL
RBC 8.7 6.5 - 11.0 106/uL
HGB 15.5 15.0 - 19.0 g/dL
HCT 48 43 - 55 %
Verified by Microhemaocrit Method
MCV 55 50 - 65 fL
MCH 17.9 16.5 - 20.0 pg
MCHC 33 32 - 35 g/dL
Anisocylosis Moderate
Blood Parasites None Seen
Platelet Count 274
Platelet Est. Adequate
Differential Absolute %
Neutrophils 3848 74 /uL
Lymphoctes 832 16 /uL
Monocytes 364 7 /uL
Eosinphils 156 3 /uL
Basophils 0 0 /uL
Blood smear reviewed by technologist
Test Requested Results Ref Range Units
Total Protein 5.6 5.5 - 7.0 g/dL
SGPT (ALT) 1170 (HIGH) 10 - 280 IU/L Result Verified
Alk Phosphatase 108 (HIGH) 15 - 45 IU/L
Total Birubin 0.1 0.0 - 1.0 mg/dL
BUN 44 (HIGH) 10 - 33 mg/dL
Creatinine 1.3 (HIGH) 0.2 - 08 mg/dL
Phosphorus 6.9 42 - 8.5 mg/dL
Glucose 112 00 - 120 mg/dL
Calcium 7.6 (LOW) 7.7 - 11.0 mg/dL
[Posted in FML 7315]