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Sat, 27 Oct 2012 14:00:00 -0400
Pie O' Pah At the Bridge <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
[Ann C.]

Dear Ann,

I am hoping you don't mind if Pie sat this one out. I figured that
after all that you did for my wife and loved ones, it should be me who
found your Chico and reunited him with Brutus. Things here have been,
well they've been pretty darn fun. I knew ferrets were your thing, and
while I helped out here and there, I never knew just how much they
could touch your heart and heal so many things. Ollie has been my
constant side kick since I came here and he and I eventually found
Brutus and we make a pretty good trio. When Chico was ready to be on
his way Brutus told me, and because Pie was so busy taking care of
things closer to his earthen home, we decided to go about things on
our own.

Now I gotta tell ya, making ones way over the Bridge to this side is
one thing, but finding our way back, well let's just say none of us
have very good directional skills, that and then every time Brutus and
Ollie found something fun, we had to stop - of course - and enjoy it.
Heck even I stopped when we came to the ummmhummmm beer garden. What
can I say, a sip now and then it just what a guy needs. I would say
it took us every bit of four hours to get to the Bridge and the only
reason we knew we were there is after the third hour, we began seeing
OBVIOUS signs which said "This Way To The Bridge Dopes!", I suppose
they meant us, so we followed. When we got there, Chico was standing
there, tapping his foot, with this impatient look on his face. Sheesh
I did't know a ferret give give you the stink eye like that! And here
I thought he couldn't see a thing and we could fib and say we got
lost. Nope, he knew it all, lectured us, pointed to the sign's, poofed
out, war danced, dooked and then bumped into my leg and we all began
laughing our butts, both fuzzy and non-fuzzy off. So my dear Ann, your
sweet Chico made it here, CAN see, and we will be forever known as the
Fabulous Four.

Much Love,
Bruce Troutman, Fat Ollie, Brutus & Chico

[Posted in FML 7592]