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Wed, 8 Dec 2010 21:28:51 -0500
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (114 lines)
It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was at the Kibble garage
watching a group of fuzzies fix their vehicles. Most had cars, but this
one group had trucks. I knew some of them as I had greeted them. She
waved to them and they ran over to her and asked if she wanted to play
with them. She remembered the last time and begged off saying no way.
Just when she was about to leave, she heard the flutter of wings and
looked up to see Mimi, the little girl courier, with a note in her
paws. Mimi came over and said,

"SaraFerret, I have a message from the Boss that a ferret is crossing
the Bridge. I know that you are very busy but this is sooo important.
Is there anyone you want me to get?"

I took the note and read it. Then I realized that Mimi did not have to
get anyone, as everyone was right here with me. So I sent her on her
way and gathered some of arriving fuzzy's group about me and told them
where to be. Then I headed for the entrance, hoping that I would be
on time to meet him. I was just in time to meet the sweet fuzzy, so I
quickly introduced myself,

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering. You will run on green grass forever and have lotsa
friends. Did I mention de fun and games?"

He looked at me and said, "Its nice to meet you. My name is Sydney and
I belong to Daddy Richard. Do you know him? He is such a nice guy. I am
kinda concerned about him. I dunno what he is gonna do without me. I
was very important to him. I know I wasn't feeling too good and he said
something about this bridge thing. But I just didn't expect it so soon.
I do feel better now though. But since you said that this a forever
thing I guess I can't go back now. Where are all these friends that you
were talking about? Are they hiding? I bet they are. They used to play
hide and seek at home, so i know they are."

I replied, "Sydney, I don't know your Daddy personally although I have
heard about him. I know you are concerned about him, but he has others
there to hold and you can always send him your love through his dreams.
I am happy that you are feeling better now. As to your friends you will
see them later if you are patient. And of course you are correct in
understanding that this is your forever home. But isn't it just the
nicest place?"

At that moment who should rush up but Sandy and Mareta, two of his
friends who had crossed before him. It had been such a long time
before, so it took him awhile before he realized who they were. They
grabbed him and hugged him before I could caution them not to throw him
into shock, but oh well. Sandy began to tell Sydney all about the wings
he would get. "Syd, you are gonna get the handsomest wings, just like
mine--except yours will be special for you--you are gonna be able to
fly about the heavens just like the rest of us--you are gonna have more
fun." Sydney just looked at her and said, "Okay, I am gonna get wings.
That's fine with me. I will go along with you." (I thought to myself,
these friends are doing a really good job on the wing part; as long
as newcomers have friends here, I won't have the awkward part of
explaining wings--which is ok with me). Then I told them all to
follow me.

So off we went down the garden path to the Wing House where the wings
were stored. We opened the door and on the counter was a big box--of
course. He opened the box and took out the wings--black with silver
streaks--just perfect for a fuzzy who had been so devoted to his
master. Mareta helped him put on his wings and Sandy adjusted his halo.
Then he ran to the big vanity mirror and gazed at his reflection. Then
he turned to me and said "Gee I wish Daddy could see me now." Den I
gots an idea.

We opened the door and left there. We went down the path to Misting
Pond where we sat down beside the cool clear water and with one swish
we saw the vision of Daddy Richard appear. Sydney got so excited he
started waving and dooking with all of his might.

"I love you so much Daddy. Thank you for loving me. I hope you will be
okay. I am sure Odo and Harpo will hug you and love you so much. They
can snuggle with you close too. I got here safely and I am with my
friends. I got wings now and soon I will be able to fly. I am kinda
confused still, but I am sure I will be okay once I get everything
figured out."

Then he began to throw hugs and kisses and wrapped them with all of his
love and laid them on a nearby shooting star which was headed to your
house and by the time you should read this it should have landed there.
And with another swish the vision was gone.

So we left there and went up another road, not to their cottage, but
to the Kibble Garage. (Oh no, I thought to myself, not this for a
newcomer). Sydney could hear the varrom, varrom of engines and he
turned to me, with wide-eyed horror. I whispered to him not to be
afraid as they were just cars and nothing to be afraid of. If girls
could use them anyone could. He sighed and stiffened his back and
marched ahead where he was met by another group. Mareta introduced them
to him, "This here is Pogo, and that is Samantha, and you remember
Barnaby or maybe you don't and that there is Sam." But then he was
taken into the garage where he saw the infamous big rig. Sandy was so
proud of building this. She told Syd, "I used to ride with Daddy in one
of these, although his was people sized, lots bigger, so I decided to
build one here; just wait until you ride in it." Sydney looked at me
and I shrugged my shoulders. Then right behind the big rig, he could
see an even larger group of fuzzies who shouted "Welcome Syd." Music
started playing and then he could see all the food laid out on big
tables. It looked like a big party. He looked at me and I said, "Yes
Syd, its for you." Then he was swept up into the party. At last, he
started being happy and even began to dance. I was nibbling on some of
the snacks. Sandy asked if I wanted to ride in the big rig again, but
remembering my last time, I declined. I was invited to stay and dance
for a while so I did. How wonderful it was to see that Sydney had
settled into his new forever home.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

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