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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 23:55:00 -0500
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (121 lines)
It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was sound asleep in her
cottage. What's that you say? You mean greeters sleep? Well of course
they do. How else would they be able to do all that they are expected
to do. Especially when all of a sudden, she is awakened by a CRASH! and
then she looks up to see that yes--it is Dexter, the little boy courier
and he has returned from wherever he was. He climbs down out of the
hole he has made in her ceiling, holding two crumpled up notes in his
paw. He said,

"Uh hi SawaFewwet, betcha missed me. I'll help you fix that hole. I
guess you didn't do such a good job by yourself before. But anyway I
has a note from the Boss that a fewwet or two is cwossing the Bwidge
and you best gets over there. You know how upset He gets when you is
late. Is there anyone you want me to get?"

He handed me the note. (I thought to myself a brief uncharitable
thought before I swatted it away--after all this is the Bridge). I
quickly read it and sent him on his way. Then I zipped over to the
entrance (thinking to myself-I'm late, I'm so late, what am I doing
sleeping, why did Dexter take so long to deliver the note?). But a
chocolate sable fuzzy with a heavy backpack was waiting for me. So
I quickly introduced myself,

"Sorry I am a bit late. I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter.
Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you
have no more pain or suffering. You will have lotsa friends and run
on green grass forever. Did I mention de fun and games?"

He looked at me and said, "Well, I don't know much except my name is
Barney. I don't spose you know my family do you? I betcha they are
worried about me and if I am safe. But I am feeling a lot better now.
And it is a comfort to know that I have a real true home now and that
I won't ever have to go anywhere again."

I replied, "Barney, I don't know them, but I am sure they will know you
are safe after all I got a note from Daddy Dar. Oh by the way whatever
are you carrying in your backpack? Not to worry I am not gonna take it.
I am just curious like any other fuzzy. It has been so long since I was
on earth that I just wanna see what others bring."

So he carefully unzipped his pack and took out a red blanket. Mercy,
how did he ever get that thing in there! Oh the Angel helped him. Hmmm!
the Angel wasn't here to help him get that back in there so we were
gonna have to carry it, cause we sure weren't gonna get it back in
there under our own power.

Then I told him we had another surprise. He was gonna get wings just
like mine, well not exactly like mine, his would be boy wings-specially
designed for him. They were great for flying about the heavens--sure
beats hopping from cloud to cloud.

But as we turned to leave, a tattered DEW fuzzy came racing across
the Bridge dooking "Wait for me, don't leave." I looked at the other
crumpled note I had received from Dexter and sure enough. But instead,
Barney took over, " Hi there you have arrived here at the Rainbow
Bridge and this here is SaraFerret and she is the bridgegreeter. I
just arrived too. This will be your new forever home. So I guess you
and I will be good friends. Now don't you worry a bit about your fur.
That will be fixed in just a second. Now what are you carrying in your
backpack. I betcha an Angel helped you pack it, didn't she? I had a red
blanket in mine. Oh yeah you are gonna get wings just like hers except
yours are gonna be boy wings--so you can go flying."

"The DEW seemed stunned by this speech and said, "Well hi, both of you.
My name is Cubby and I stayed with Daddy Dar for a while. I didn't feel
too well and I really had matties in my fur so he had to cut them out.
Did you ever have those? I really don't care for ferrets, but I guess
I will have to get used to them. Is that all that there is here? No
humans? Wonder how Stuart is doing without me? He was the only one I

I replied, "Nice to meet you Cubby. Your fur does look nice and white.
I recall one big mat I had but it was caused by the surgery I had and
I chewed out my stitches. Vet had to glue them back instead of sewing
them. My fur never grew back in right again there. You'll get used to
all the ferrets here and the only place there are humans are in heaven.
This is for ferrets only. Few mice and occasional visiting cats."

(Hey these helper ferrets do pretty good. Just give them a few pointers
and let them go). Then Cubby decided he would share the backpack secret
and carefully unzipped his pack and took out his purple blanket. Cubby
said, "You were right, the Angel did help me pack this, but I think I
am gonna have to just carry it from now on as we are never gonna get it
back it."

So Cubby and Barney heaved their blankets over their backs and we
three trotted our way down the path to the Wing House where the wings
were stored. We opened the door and on the counter were two boxes (of
course) Cubby and Barney. Each ran to theirs. Cubby took out his
wings--bright purple. Barney took out his--bright red. I helped Cubby
put on his wings and adjusted his halo and then he ran to the big
vanity mirror and gazed at his reflection and sure enough the fur
was all grown out and he was a fluffy handsome DEW once again. Then
I helped Barney put on his wings and adjusted his halo and he ran to
the big vanity mirror and gazed at his reflection and mercy me, what
a handsome chocolate sable stared back at him. All healthy and happy
once again.

We went out the door and down the road, where we were met by a group of
fuzzies carrying a big banner reading "Welcome Cubby and Barney." The
two new arrivals questioned them, " We don't even know you, so why are
you welcoming us? The spokesferret replied, "Oh we know all about you
and your families. We have a party awaiting you. Come on. You are now a
part of our family." As they arrived at the cottage, we could see that
food was laid out and music was a-playing. Tears formed in both of
their eyes as they could see that they were really and truly wanted and
loved. Fuzzies came up and introduced themselves and I could see Cubby
warming up to other fuzzies. Barney was having a blast dancing. Oh yes,
each of their blankets were laid on their hammocks. Each of them were
happy in their new forever home.

So ended another greeting at the Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,


[Posted in FML 6891]