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Sat, 31 Jul 2010 00:25:14 -0400
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (110 lines)
It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was lying in her new
lounge chair outside her cottage. Her new umbrella was up to protect
her and de cool breezes was blowing. She had been so busy with all de
in-house work for de Boss. Geesh who knew that training new bridge
greeters and couriers could be so hard. She knew that some of the
greeters could get burned out with the job and would move on to another
position sooner or later and then others would have to be trained.
Such were de thoughts that ran through her mind. Suddenly she heard de
fluttering of wings...Where was it coming from as she looked up and
couldn't see anything? Then she heard it--CRASH!!!!!!!! She looked
above her head and saw Dexter, de little boy courier, looking down at
her from de hole in her new umbrella. She said, "OK, Dexter, now just
come out of there. Tell me why you are here."

With a crunch and a pull, Dexter appeared in front of her with a note
in his paw and said, "SawaFewwet, I don't know why you has to put up
that goofy thing. You know I has to bwing you messages. And things like
that gets in my way. So you best just give up getting them. Anyway, I
has a message that a fewwet is cwossing the Bwidge and you better gets
over there to gweet her. You know how upset the Boss gets when you
don't get there on time. You has been so lazy lately. Where has you
been lately? Is there anyone you wants me to get?"

He handed me de note and I read it in a flash. I sent him off to de
courier cottage and whispered to de kits to fetch de appointed ones
and zipped off to de entrance so hoping I would be in time. OH NO!!!!!
There she was, waiting patiently for someone to meet her! So I rushed
up to her and introduced myself,

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am the bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Here you will have no pain or suffering and you will run on
green grass forever. You will have lotsa friends. Did I mention de
fun and games?"

She looked and me with a very sad face and said, "But I don't know
anyone here. (A tear began to run down her cheek). So who will I play
with? Will you be my friend? I belonged to Mommy Shanna. Do you know
her? I left her so very quick and I didn't have a chance to say
goodbye. Do you think she is upset that I left that way? I bet she
wonders where I am at and thinks that I have just gotten lost
someplace. So I guess this is my home now, so where will I live at.
Do you have a place for me to live or will I stay with you? Oh yes,
my name is Ginger, I should have introduced myself, otherwise you
wouldn't have known who I was."

I replied, "Well Ginger, we knew who you were. We received a note from
your mommy that you were coming. I apologize for being a bit late.
Sometimes a courier gets slow delivering messages. So she knew you were
coming here. She is upset but she does understand that you are here at
a nice place. We have arranged for you to live with a very nice group
of friends that your Mommy knows and they will be so happy to meet you
and they will be your very best friends and they will show you around
here. So not to worry you won't be stuck with me as your only friend
although I will be most happy to be your friend. And there is another
surprise. You will get wings, just like mine--well not exactly like
mine--yours will be specially designed for you. So if you will follow

Off we went down de path to de Wing House where de wings were stored.
But at de door we met some of Missy Maren's fuzzies (Missy Maren was a
great friend of Mommy Shanna). They ran to Ginger and hugged her and
welcomed her to de bridge. We opened de door and on de counter was a
big box marked "Ginger". She opened de box and took out her wings --
silver with blue streaks. One fuzzy helped her put on her wings and
another adjusted her halo. Then she ran to the big vanity mirror and
gazed at her reflection and then turned to us and said, "Gee I wish
Mommy could see me now." Den I gots an idea.

We opened the door and all of us went down the path to the Misting
Pond. We sat down beside the cool clear water and with one swish we
saw the vision of Mommy Shanna with her fuzzies appear. Ginger got
so excited she started waving and dooking with all of her might.

"I love you Mommy. Thank you for loving me. I am your kismet. I has
friends here; they belong to Missy Maren. So I won't be all alone here.
They are gonna show me around this place and they say this place is
really big. Oh yeah, I has wings now and they are really pretty and
soon I will be able to fly like a flutterby. I am sorry I wasn't able
to tell you goodbye."

Then she began to throw hugs and kisses and wrapped them with all of
her love and laid them on a nearby shooting star which was headed to
your house and by de time you should read this it should have landed
there. And with another swish de vision was gone.

So we left there and went down the road through the daffodils and the
blue irises and finally reached Missy Maren's cottage. One fuzzy spoke
up and said, "We haven't decided what to name our cottage yet. Maybe
you can get a message to Mommy and ask her what she thinks is best."
I replied, "Hmmm, I will see what I can do, but I don't know if my
message will get through to Missy Maren." I could see that a big party
was ongoing. Ginger was amazed. She asked me, "Do you mean they have
done this for me, a total stranger?" A fuzzy in the group spoke up and
said, "Ginger you are not a stranger. You are a part of us. No one is
a stranger that came from us." I could see that made her so happy. She
was now part of a family once again. I also could see all the food laid
out and the music was a playing and fuzzies were starting to dance. I
was invited to stay and party awhile. Oh yes I was tempted, but I had
to decline. After all, I had to get back to my cottage and throw away
my new umbrella and remind myself never to get another one again. So I
gave Ginger a hug and said my goodbyes to all and went on my way.

So ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6775]