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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 1012 13268 20 34_DerbyEggs and the Giving Tree [log in to unmask], 27 Dec 2010 20:52:13 -0600276_- In a few of the pix posted of gifts the various Giving Tree Kids
received, I caught glimpses of some of my DerbyEggs and it made me
smile. I love knowing something I make is now in the paws of some
of the little angels of the Giving Tree. Enjoy the eggs guys. [...]42_27Dec201020:52:[log in to unmask] 1012 13289 20 8_cat food11_Marie [log in to unmask], 27 Dec 2010 05:52:31 -0800546_- I tried the ferret food and they would not eat it, rather starve
themselves, I have tried different ferret food, find it on the floor or
left in the bowl. They love Cat's Meow, ensure (in the morning) with
half & half in it. I have treats mixed together which only they get
if I remember to put in with the food. JoJo loves his banana, creamed
corn, Roxy she loves her cooked meat (she is heavy weight now) eggs,
what ever she wants she gets. Oh yes they love my oatmeal with
cinnamon, brown sugar, I have to give [...]36_27Dec201005:52:[log in to unmask] 1012 13310 15 27_@ [log in to unmask]@YAHOO.COM31_Mon, 27 Dec 2010 00:44:16 -0800522_- If that is your attitude iwth regards to food, then maybe you are the
one who shouldn't have ferrets. I am sure you dont take your family out
to eat to ruth's chris steak house every day. And last checked, no one
is perfect. Us tru ferret parents love our babies as best as we can,
and do the best we can for them. If all ferrets were to get cadilac
care, then they would either be in shelters, on the street, or perhaps
put to sleep cause no one wants them & loves them like we do. So if
[...]38_27Dec201000:44:[log in to unmask] 1012 13326 105 48_Feeding our ferrets and Laura Holland's [log in to unmask], 27 Dec 2010 10:08:48 -0600487_- Ok, we all know owning a ferret can be expensive; everything from the
cost of their food to vet care. But as Laura always states emphatically
on this list and on her message board; do your homework, do the
research about owning a ferret BEFORE you run out and get one.

I live on a fixed income; my disability benefits come only ONCE a month
so I have to S T R E T C H my dollars to make sure my bank account is
not setting on zero before the month runs out. [...]42_27Dec201010:08:[log in to unmask] 1012 13432 37 40_Laura Dear, lighten-up on the food [log in to unmask], 27 Dec 2010 13:35:54 -0700652_- When I rescued my first ferret in 1982, there was no "ferret food".
People in Europe were feeding "bread & milk" (are you horrified yet?),
but a VERY small book I found on ferret care recommended "kitten chow".
Not "cat chow", as it stated that the kitten formulation was indeed
higher in protein & a better choice. For over 9 years my dear ferret
ate kitten chow supplemented with any table scraps she was interested
in consuming... including fruits & vegetables. Since she was an adult
Mon, 27 Dec 2010 13:20:38 -0800
text/plain (16 lines)
Hello FMLers,

Hey, check this out. Flower Ferrets was chosen as one of 10 Great
Animal Calendars for 2011 by PeoplePets.com a division of People
Magazine! Wow, out of thousands of animal themed calendars!!! Very
cool. If you don't have a copy, better get one :)


Hope you all have a happy New Year.


[Posted in FML 6925]