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Fri, 15 Apr 2011 23:56:21 -0400
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (128 lines)
It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was lying in her lounge
chair (her new one). The kits were playing by her side. She wasn't
asleep, just watching the clouds go by and the occasional ferret
flying, and then she saw a familiar figure begin to swoop in very
very low. Serena warned her to get out of the chair and wisely she
did quickly just in time. Because at that very moment, Dexter, the
little boy courier, managed to land under the lounge chair AND then
poked his head through the lounge chair!!!!!! He said,

"SawaFewwet, I has a note for you. How come you always put these silly
chairs where I am sposed to land. Then I hurt my head. But these
ferrets are cwossing the Bwidge and you best be getting over there or
they will be wandering awound lost. Now is there anyone you wants me
to get."

I took the note that he handed me (he had managed to get himself out
of the chair). I read it and told him that these fuzzies were probably
well aware of the two that were coming--didn't know why-something about
a dragon whisperer. He left for the courier cottage and I looked sadly
at my new lounge chair (bye-bye new chair, I thought). I flew off to
the entrance and I waited for the two that were coming.

Then I saw a dragon with big wings (whats this thing they have with the
dragon-who has dragons?) bringing a big Albino fuzzy across and laid
him gently down and whispered to me that his name was Minti. Then he
flew off before I could say anything and I began to introduce myself
to Minti. But before I could, the dragon was back with another one,
this time with a boy fuzzy with a smooth coat and a bit of chocolate
on his legs and white feet and MERCY ME! he had a big red and white
octopus strapped to his back. The dragon laid him gently down and then
he whispered to me that this one's name was Chomii and that he had
desperately tried to get the octopus into the backpack, but it was 
just no go, so they strapped it to his back and together somehow
sneaked it past the ANGEL! (First time for everything!) Very proud of
himself, the dragon was, but he knew better than to try it very often.
So I began to introduce myself to both of them,

"Hi, I am SaraFerret and I am the bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering. You will run on green grass forever and have lotsa
friends. Did I mention de fun and games?"

Minti was the first to reply, "Since you know my name already, I can
tell you that I belong to Dad Kev and I got really sick but I just
couldn't make it. Where are my other friends? I see Cho here but none
of the others. So what are the things we can do here; it doesn't look
very fun here with just three ferrets here."

Then Chomii said his part, "My name is Chomii, as you well know. First
I stayed with Mum Michelle, but then I went to stay with Dad Kev as he
had ever so much more room and I got to stay with my brothers and
sisters and we could wrestle and run around together. But then I too,
got sick and then the dragon came to get me. Yes, it was a bear getting
that octopus strapped on, but it was a bit of a lark sneaking it across
the Bridge. The dragon knew he would be in deep trouble if the Angel
caught us and the toy was NOT in my backpack. But we made it. So now I
am here, and what do we do next."

Just then Addypos flew up and introduced himself. "Hi, I crossed before
you and I am part of the NZ clan. You two are gonna get wings just like
us. They are gonna let you fly about the heavens and trust me, they
will be beautiful. And oh by the way, didn't the greeter tell you that
you are probably feeling ever so much better that you did right before
you crossed."

I thanked Addy for his help and told the group to just follow me.
We went down the garden path to the Wing House where the wings were
stored. We opened the door and on the counter were big boxes of
course--one marked Minti and one marked Chomii. Each ran to his box and
opened it. Minti took out his wings--Bright blue with silver streaks.
We helped him put on his wings and Addy adjusted his halo. Then he ran
to the big vanity mirror and gazed at his reflection. Then Chomii took
out his wings--lavender with pink streaks. Minti helped him put on his
wings and Addy adjusted his halo. Then he ran to the big vanity mirror
and gazed at his reflection. And both of them said "Gee we wish Mum
Michelle and Dad Kev could see us now." Then I got an idea. So I opened
the door and we left there.

We went down the path to the Misting Pond and sat down beside the cool
clear water and with one swish we saw the vision of Mum Michelle and
Dad Kevin appear. Chomii and Minti got so excited they started waving
and dooking with all of their might.

"We love you both so much. Thank you for loving us and holding us. We
loved our life on earth. And we have found one of the NZ friends here
and he told us that others are here. We feel lots better now. We have
beautiful wings now and soon we will be able to fly. One day we will
see you all in the future, but right now we will have fun and games
to keep us busy."

Then they began to throw hugs and kisses and laid them on a nearby
shooting star which was heading to your house and by the time you
should read this it should have landed there. And with another swish
the vision was gone.

So we left there and were led down another road by Addy. It was a
twisting, road through the blue cornflowers and then we had to go
down another path where we saw a group of cottages and a large group of
ferrets. I mean it was a LARGE group. They were cheering and waving.
Minti asked me what was going on and I replied that it was a welcome to
a bridge gathering. Some ran up to meet us and introduced themselves.
The rest were getting the party going. We could hear music a-playing
and then we saw the food that was laid out. They had outdone
themselves. The chocolate was amazing. The ice cold pepsis were always
refreshing. I liked the squirt cheese and crackers. I noticed that
Minti had his mouth full. (Sandee would be so proud of my correct
English--she always fussed so). Chomii was eating a chocolate no-no and
carrying a ice cold pepsi. How he could do both was amazing. I knew I
had to get back to the cottage. So I gave both a hug without disturbing
their eating and told the others a good-bye.

As I headed for home, I thought to myself, since I don't have my new
lounge chair, I'll just have to lie out in a blanket.

Then I heard the Voice from above, "SaraFerret, Your lounge chair has
been repaired."

I looked up in surprise and remembered that yes, He knows what we are
thinking. So I just said, "Thank you, Boss."

So ended another day at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 7034]