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Tue, 7 Dec 2010 23:00:55 -0500
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (117 lines)
It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was helping Lily and Deuce
build a nice cottage along with the help of Ozzy and Peanut. We could
never have done it without their expertise. After all they had built so
many cottages at their place. We decided to build their cottage close
to Canyon Lake Retreat so they would be able to visit back and forth.
Ozzy, Peanut, and Deuce were up on the roof putting the last of the
thatch on and Lily and SaraFerret were down below supervising. Lily
yelled up to Deuce, "Hey, I think you'all missed a place over there."
Deuce whispered to the others, "Women, never can please them." Then he
went over to the place where she pointed out that they had missed and
put the thatch in place and said, "You reckon that is enough for the
roof." SaraFerret climbed up to check and verified that sure enough the
roof was complete. But just then she heard the flutter of wings above
her, and looked up to see Dexter, the little boy courier, with a note
in his paws. Fortunately, this time he made a safe landing on the roof.
He said,

"SawaFewwet, where has you been? I searched for you. I has a note from
this nice lady that her fewwet is cwossing the Bwidge. By this time he
is pwobably lost and you will be in big twouble. Is there anyone you
want me to get?

He handed me the note and I read it. I told him that he could go back
to de courier cottage as everyone was already with me. He seemed rather
disappointed and fluttered off toward home. I told the others to go to
their appointed places and I headed for de entrance hoping that the
fuzzy had not wandered off and gotten lost. I was just in time to see
a good sized handsome silver panda boy waiting for me. (I am so lucky
that he didn't go off somewhere). So I quickly introduced myself,

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering. You will run on green grass forever and have lotsa
friends. Did I mention de fun and games?"

He looked at me and said, "My name is Merlin and I belong to Mommy
Betsy. Do you happy to know her? I bet she wonders where I am at. I
left in such at hurry. I am feeling so much better now, so if you don't
mind I think I will just go on back home. Oh wait a minute, you did say
this was my new forever home; I forgot that. I guess I will have to
get used to a new place. Thats the way with us ferrets. We get in one
place that we love and then we get moved to a new one. I just don't
understand why I had to leave Mommy though. I guess it was because I
got sick. Its just a shame with us ferrets that we have to leave earth
so quick. I am just so confused about it all. Where are all these
friends you said were here? I don't see them. And the fun and games?
All I see is you. Don't get me wrong. I think you are very sweet and I
know we can run and play very nice. Are you and me the only two here?"

I replied, "No Merlin, we are not the only ones here. There are many
many fuzzies here. As for your friends, if you are patient you will
see them in a little while. I understand your confusion about your
crossing. Many times when we cross really quick it is a shock for us.
But sometimes that is a blessing. That way we don't suffer or make our
Mommys suffer."

At that moment, Lily and Deuce ran up and greeted him. Oh, trust me,
he was sure happy to see them. Lily said, "Merlin, just wait, you are
gonna get the purtiest set of wings, just like mine, well not exactly
like mine-yours are gonna be boy wings. You are gonna be flying about
the heavens just like me and Deuce and all the others." (I thought to
myself, Merlin is in the state of shock--first he is sent across the
Bridge and then he is met by southern speaking friends and now he gets
some wings and he is totally confused--oh well--Lily is doing a great
job). Merlin just shrugs his shoulders as if to agree. So I told them
all to follow me.

We went down the path to the Wing House where the wings were stored.
We opened the door and on the counter was a big box--of course. Merlin
went to the counter and opened the box and took out the wings--bright
purple with black streaks. Lily helped him put on his wings and Deuce
adjusted his halo. Then he ran to the big vanity mirror and gazed at
his reflection. Then he turned to me and said, "Gee I wish Mommy could
see me now." Den I gots an idea.

So we opened the door and left there. We went down the path to de
Misting Pond and sat down beside the cool clear water and with one
swish we saw the vision of Mommy Betsy and the trio of fuzzies. Merlin
got so excited he started waving and dooking with all of his might.

"I love you Mommy. Thank you for loving me. I am sorry for leaving you
without saying goodbye. I am safe now and with Deuce and Lily even
though they talk really funny. I don't recall them talking that way
before, but I guess I will get used to it. I was sorta confused when I
got here but I am getting used to it since I knew my friends were here.
Oh yes, I have beautiful wings and soon I will be able to fly. I better
tell you that I am feeling okay also."

Then he began to throw hugs and kisses and laid them on a nearby
shooting star which was headed to your house and by the time you should
read this it should have landed there. And with another swish the
vision was gone.

So we left there and went down another road where we were met by two
fuzzies (I knew them) who introduced themselves to Merlin as Ozzy
and Peanut and welcomed him to the Bridge. Merlin turned to me and
whispered, "Is this where Deuce and Lily learned to talk like that?" I
whispered back, "Sure enough." We went further down the road until we
happened to see a sign which read "Canyon Lake Retreat". But a little
ways beyond that was a brand new cottage with a new sign which read
"Betsy's Place" This would be their home. But first Ozzy and Peanut
directed Merlin over to a space just behind it and he could see fuzzies
gathered all around. Food was laid out on tables and music was now
starting to play. Merlin seemed so happy. I was invited to stay and eat
the good food, but I was tired from the building and all that, so I
gave Merlin a hug and said a goodbye to all. Oh yes, Ozzy and the gang
said they would be by later in the week to try and fix a better roof
on my cottage as they had seen my lousy repair job.

So ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,

[Posted in FML 6905]