Ok I hope this is ok to post- after all if we win the end result is
more space for elder, ill and maladaptive rescue ferrets to live out
their lives in ultra comfort:)
Plus its a resource all ferret rescues can apply for too-the cotnest
goes on all year! Soooo- PLEASE !!!! VOTE now & every day in June for
Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary's proposed "green" building in the
Pepsi Refresh Challenge! -If we are in the top 2 at the end of the
month we can build the Sanctuary & care for over 1,000 abandoned,
abused exotic pets! ( Even if you have another "pet" project to vote
for it's fine- you get 10 votes a day!)
(or go to www.RefreshEverything.com and search Critter Camp ) Critter
Camp gives a healthy happy safe end of life home to 300 small exotics
that are unadoptable because they are elderly, have chronic illness,
disablility, or aggression : our bunnies, guinea pigs, and ferrets have
big free range rooms! Our ratties, mousies, gerbils, hammies, degus,
ground squirrels, hedgies, gliders, have large cages with friends
(unless they are solitary like hammies & hedgies - altho Robos do have
friends too!), treats and toys, wheels, medical care when needed and
handling if desired! Herps & Reps also are all in climate controlled,
ideal settings, UVB lights, heat from above, appropriate fresh food,
roomy housing, the best of care! The kinkajous will get their own
big room to frolic & play in! The birds will all have large awesome
enclosures and lots of personal interaction & stimulation! Shadow the
arctic marble foxy has big kennel, long walks every day on a leash,
lots of treats and toys, quality food, and lovin! Zoey & Quiggly the
fennecs are free range in the house now & will live dually- part time
at the sanctuary when I'm there & then back here when I'm home- we are
going to have their room be adjacent to the office with a pet door so
they can come in and poop on my papers just like here :) See our
newsletter for more info too!
Please VOTE everyday, repost, share, forward- tell everyone!!!!
Thank you!!!
Beth Randall
Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary
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