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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0910 11904 14 12_water [log in to unmask], 29 Oct 2009 09:56:42 -0400322_- Fill the bottle to the top, put lid on it, hold your finger over the
tube, turn upside down so the air bubble flows to the top, release
the finger. Ther0916:45:[log in to unmask] 0906 3901 13 27_Looking for a Marshall cage11_Tina [log in to unmask], 9 Jun 2009 23:56:46 -0400150_- Does anyone have a Marshall Folding Mansion Cage they would like to

[log in to unmask]

[Posted in FML 6359]38_9Jun200923:56:[log in to unmask] 0906 3915 27 44_REMINDER: 4th of July Card Exchange SIGN UP!16_Joanne [log in to unmask], 9 Jun 2009 10:58:26 -0700502_- It's SUMMER TIME!!! Where is the year going? I can't believe it's
already time for the 4th of July Card Exchange! All of the proceeds
raised from this exchange go to buying ADV Test Kits for shelters
through Support Our Shelters (SOS). You only have until June 19th! The
last several years we've raised over $1000.00. That is our goal again
this year! If you would like to sign up for this exchange you can go
to the following website:
http://www.hideyhole.org/exchange.php [...]50_9Jun200910:58:[log in to unmask] 0906 3943 22 58_New website for lost or found pets, dogs, cats, & FERRETS!16_Cheryl [log in to unmask], 9 Jun 2009 17:22:45 -0400267_- Hi all! Just want to post about a new website that I came across to
help reunite lost pets with their owners. Its fairly new and I thought
it would be a good idea to get the word out about it. If even 1 animal
is returned home, than its all worth it. [...]43_9Jun200917:22:[log in to unmask] 0906 3966 22 [log in to unmask], 9 Jun 2009 21:41:08 -0400401_- My ferret has an ulcer and the vet put her on amoxicillin .25ml 2x a
day, but only for a week and she was better her poop seem much better.
But then her poop got dark brown. So the vet is now giving her more
amoxicillian (she been on it for 10 days) and he just added biaxin
(clarithromycin 125MG/5ML DAV) .5ML 3x a day for a week. She is on
the Biaxin 2 days with amoxicillian. [...]43_9Jun200921:41:[log in to unmask] 0906 3989 35 12_Ramas update11_Chris [log in to unmask], 9 Jun 2009 15:56:02 -0700459_- Ok...his coat is getting not so healthy looking, and he is not showing
signs of improvement. However *smiles* He is not loosing any more
energy. He is eating the 6 times a day I offer him the chicken soup
mixture as well as snacking on the kitten food I have been offering. He
is still not playing for more then 30 minutes at a time, and only two
or three times a day, unless he is playing in the cage while I am at
owrk or sleeping. [...]43_9Jun200915:56:[log in to unmask] 0906 4025 22 79_if any shows/gatherings are using Clarcon for judges and those doing admissions14_Sukie [log in to unmask], 9 Jun 2009 15:46:18 -0400571_- Recall for bacterial contamination:


Sukie (not a vet)

Recommended ferret health links:

[Posted in FML 6359]34_9Jun200915:46:[log in to unmask] 0906 4048 39 19_Rabies [log in to unmask], 9 Jun 2009 08:14:51 -04
Mon, 8 Jun 2009 08:26:52 EDT
text/plain (42 lines)
I've been a reader of FML for several years now. I used to have ferrets
for pets but after losing them to numerous things, decided to let my
heart heal.

I got my first ferret, Daizee, in Jan of 2001. She was a delight to
have for a pet.

I got my first skunk, Alf, in June of 2001. He was the best first skunk
that I could have ever asked for.

They grew up together. Daizee would race in her tubes and Alf would be
waiting at the other end for her to exit. Sometimes, she would throw
him off and turn around in the tubes. He would run down to the other
side and greet her like she was lost.

Sadly they both passed very close in time together. I think she missed
her bigger buddy.

Any way, not all skunks are the classic black and white. They come in
every color in the rainbow, except for blue and green. I'm blessed to
have a lavender skunk, but I never knew it until our last skunk show.
Yes, we have skunk shows, held once a year.

Skunks and ferrets used to be in the same family until Dr. Dragoo
somehow found the difference.

Skunks are descented at the breeder, but they still need to "fixed"
even if they think they're not broken.

My skunkies are also guessed to be many different creatures, since they
aren't the classics that every one is used to seeing. Large ferret,
badgers, etc. You should see their faces when I tell them it's a skunk!

If you think finding a vet that will treat a ferret is hard, you should
try to find one that treats a skunk. Right now, I'm very happy that we
have one that is awesome, but he's over an hour away.

Linda, now getting off my soap box.

[Posted in FML 6358]