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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 1108 8275 39 45_Ferrets at Heart -- Correction on raffle link32_Ferrets at Heart -- Ask A cooped her and
3 of my others up and was looking for a MIA weasel when Slinky made a
funny noise like a sneeze. She had just been running around and digging
at my door like a lil brat moments before I picked her up so I didn't
think [...]42_27Feb201103:59:[log in to unmask] 1102 9262 30 26_Ferrets as Service [log in to unmask], 27 Feb 2011 16:29:24 -0800623_- I've read of fuzzies predicting the onset of seizures (which is great),
but that in itself does not qualify them as a service animal. Just
alerting to a seizure doesn't count. A service animal must be
task-trained to mitigate its handler's disabilities.

For seizure alert or response some of these tasks may include:
1. Finding their partner help during or just before a seizure.
2. Calling 911 (or any other appropriate number) via a special phone
known as the k9 Rescue Phone.
3. By vigorously licking their partner's face on command to bring them
to full awareness after a seizure, [...]39_27Feb201116:29:[log in to unmask] 1102 9293 48 92_Last minute donations still being accepted for the Scheidt (Ferret Fun Towers) fundraiser;))[log in to unmask], 27 Feb 2011 18:32:17 -0800385_- Hey ....
All you sweet, generous, giving slow pokes, out there.....

We can still use your donations for our Scheidt fundraiser! We are
aiming to launch this coming week sometime...

We had a great turnout but would greatfully accept more donations, no
matter the size...;) We can always combine items so I promise every
donated item will have a place.. [...]49_27Feb201118:32:[log in to unmask] 1102 9342 34 23_WWFR thank you's so [log in to unmask], 27 Feb 2011 08:25:56 -0800309_- The Wind and Willows Ferret Rescue National Ferret Day event is April
2ND in Fallon, NV at our shelter.

We want to say thank you to just some of our great sponsors for items
donated for us to use, sell or raffle to help support our rescue and
care for the ferrets over the coming year. [...]46_27Feb201108:25:[log in to unmask] 1102 9377 21 14_Felted [log in to unmask], 28 Feb 2011 01:19:34 EST417_- Hi all,

I found a friend of mine did felted animals. I sent her pictures of
Bianca, who is a dark sable, mostly black. She is willing to do
anyone's ferret for them. Bianca is about 8" long.

Here are Bianca's final pictures after she had been felted. I should
say this is her rendering, not her. She died in May of '07.
http://www.salamanderfeltworks.com/Creature_Page.php?CR=80 [...]35_28Feb201101:19:[log in to unmask] 1103 2 20 11_free fleece10_Linda [log in to unmask], 28 Feb 2011 04:05:28 -0500427_- Hi

I know some of you ladies make toys for the fur babies. I sew and make
all of out kid's bedding and such and there are always odds and ends of
material left. I would like to know if anyone out there would like to
have these pieces to make toys? Lots of fleece and lightweight denim
and various types of cotton material. I hate to throw anything out
especially as expensive as fabric has gotten. [...]53_28Feb201104:05:[log in to unmask] 1103 23 18 19_Ferret Vet in Omaha14_katherine [log in to unmask], 28 Feb 2011 22:34:00 -0500355_- We have an adopter who is looking for a good ferret vet in or near
Omaha. Does anyone have any suggestions? Please email me directly as
I don
Sun, 27 Feb 2011 22:51:06 -0600
text/plain (34 lines)
When they come to us starved & dehydrated, our first line of defense
is subQ fluids (electrolytes.) Usually 25-35cc`s twice daily.

Next, we give carafate, because a ferret who hasn`t eaten, or has
suffered stress, often has ulcers.

We syringe-feed the critical ones, every few hours around the clock.
Usually, even the sickest ferret will eat soup off of a spoon, within
two to three days--and then they go for the bowl.

We do not restrict feedings. The ferrets eat when they are ready. We
do put bowls of different varieties of kibble in the hospital cage,
in case a ferret cares to munch, and fresh water, of course. However,
most don`t eat on their own for a few days.

We are not vets here, but we have seen miracles. Little Noel came to
us weighing only 12 1/2 ounces. Mary weighed 14 ounces. Farrah3 weighed
13 1/2 ounces & underwent surgery for blockage, the afternoon we took
her in. Panda (Indiana kid) was terribly malnourished! Most impressive,
was our Stantz. (Check out the pictures!) www.zoosferretsanctuary.org
We did not restrict feedings.

Was a necropsy done on the ferret you lost? If the ferret was
malnourished & dehydrated for too long before it came to you, it might
have suffered organ failure. Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, it`s
just too late... Please don`t beat yourself up. You did your best.
That`s all that any of us can do. God bless you for trying.


[Posted in FML 6987]