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Tue, 9 Mar 2010 18:53:06 -0800
text/plain (33 lines)
We found that he will take the chicken baby food from a syringe. He
just licks it off the end as I push slowly on the plunger. No force
no worry about him choking.

We started him on pred and pepsid ac today which should help his
inflammation and hopefully he will eat more and get more out of what
he does eat.

Today we gave him 15 - 20 mls of chicken baby food mixed with water 4
times. We are still battling the scale as he gains some and loose some.
He is at 1 lbs and 15 ounces now.

Tomorrow we will double the amount of chicken baby food (if he'll eat
it all). I've tried to get him to take it from a bowl but he will only
take it from the syringe. I'm happy with that as long as he will eat it
and I don't have to force it down him.

We're also going to start mixing it with ensure instead of water to
increase the calories, but I have to get out to the store to get some
(first thing in the morning).

On Saturday we will make some homemade duk soup and see if he'll eat

I hope the pred will turn things around for him.



[Posted in FML 6632]