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Sun, 27 Mar 2011 01:35:45 -0400
Greeter 421 <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (116 lines)
No. 421 and Oliver were so busy over the past few weeks; they did not
have time to do any housework. No. 421 said that today was the day the
two were going to get a head start on their spring-cleaning.

Oliver had just pulled the rug out the door when Bluebird fluttered up
to the porch.

"Hey Oliver," she chirped. "Do you remember Bacon who crossed a few
weeks ago?" "Well, her cage mate is crossing and you have to go find
Bacon for me. I'll tell the Receiving Angel you are on the job."

Oliver straightened up and looked at Bluebird. "What's that you say,"
he said? "I need to find Bacon? I know where she is, in that nice ranch
mound with Monk, Grissom, Raja, Sir Didimus and Peter by the Cloud
Dunes. I greeted her a few weeks ago"

Bluebird chirped a good-by and flew off and Oliver pulled the rug back
to the porch and went inside to get cleaned up. No. 421 was already
dressed and was just fixing his hair. No matter what he did, his
cowlick just would not behave some days.

"Hurry up Oliver," he said. "I'll meet you at the bridge. Better bring
the whole gang so no one will feel left out."

Oliver hurried down the path to the Cloud Dunes. As he approached,
there was the unmistakable aroma of barbequed Nbones in the air. As he
rounded the fence, he could see the big grill smoking and everyone was
sitting around waiting for dinner.

"Hey there," called Bacon. "What brings you back this way so soon,
you're just in time for lunch."

"I cannot stay today," Oliver said. "You have family crossing today
and I was hoping someone would come to meet them"

"We have more family crossing," Peter said. "Who is coming over now?"

"Tap Tap" Oliver said. "Would one of you come with me to the bridge?"

"Our Tap Tap," Sir Didimus said. "Well, I'll just turn this down real
low, and we will all go. Come on gang -- lets get going."

With that all the ferrets rushed out of the fence and up the path.
Oliver turned and rushed off with the crew.

Up at the Bridge, No. 421 was just sitting down when he heard footsteps
on the bridge planks. As the girl ferret came closer, No. 421 stood up
and went to take her paw and help her step down.

"Hello and welcome to the Rainbow Bridge," No. 421 said. "You must be
Tap Tap."

Tap Tap smiled a winning smile and said she was. "Is this the Rainbow
Bridge," she said in a very small voice. "I think my buddy Bacon is
here, but I don't see anyone. Did I come to the wrong place?"

"No, this is the only Rainbow Bridge," No. 421 said. "Come over here
and tell me all about your self while we wait for your family to

"You mean they are not here already," Tap Tap said. "Can I go home to
Momma Sharon?"

"Did you hear that?" No 421 said. "I think they are already here. And
just as he finished speaking, the whole group, Monk, Grissom, Raja,
Sir Didimus Bacon and Peter came running over the hill.

"Tap, Tap," Bacon called. "Oh I'm so glad to see you. I've been so
lonesome -- I'm so glad you are here."

The two ferrets hugged, dooked and danced around. Sir Didimus
harrumphed loudly but no one paid him any attention. Monk, Grissom,
Raja, Sir Didimus Bacon and Peter just joined in a group hug and said
how happy they were to see her.

No. 421 called shooting Star and ask the happy group if they wanted to
send Momma Sharon a letter saying that Tap Tap had arrived and was with

Tap Tap said she did and asked if Bacon wanted to say "Hi" also. Tap
Tap told Shooting Star to tell Momma Sharon that she was at the Rainbow
Bridge and reunited with Bacon again. Bacon had found Monk, Grissom,
Raja, Sir Didimus Bacon and Peter and was living at their home on the
Cloud Dunes. Tell her Bacon is very happy and will share her room and
hammy with me so I don't have to be alone.

Momma Sharon, I want to thank you for taking such good care of me and
please don't cry. I am here with family, and I will wait with them for
you to come and get us. Everyone says "Hello" and we all send hugs and
kisses. We love you Mom, from all of us here at the bridge.

Shooting Star rolled up the letter and slipped away. She would deliver
it tonight with some help from Gentle Breeze. Just as No. 421 and
Oliver turned to go home, Bacon whispered to Peter, who spoke to Monk.
Monk shook his head yes and Bacon took Tap Tap by the paw and walked
over to Oliver and No. 421 and asked them both to come to dinner.

"The Nbones should be done by now, and we have a cake from Bakin'
Bertha's Café, she said. "We would be happy if you would join us for

Oliver and No. 421 said they would and the happy group set off for the
Cloud Dunes. Bacon held Tap Tap's paw all the way.

Dinner was wonderful, No. 421 enjoyed the Nbones and Oliver had two
pieces of the cake. After dessert, No. 421 and Oliver said their
good-bys and slipped away leaving the group talking about their earth

Back at the cabin Oliver put the rug back down for tonight and No. 421
wrote in his logbook, Mission Accomplished. Bacon and Tap Tap are
together again, and everyone there is happy.

[Posted in FML 7014]