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Sat, 11 Dec 2010 00:34:21 -0500
Greeter 421 <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (118 lines)
Oliver had just finished waxing his snowboard and was headed in for
some hot chocolate when Bluebird came fluttering up to the shed door.

"Hi Bluebird," Oliver said. "What are you doing out on such a cold

"I has a ticket from The Receiving Angel and he has two fuzzy's that
have not been greeted," Bluebird chirped. You and No. 421 has to get
on this right away."

Oliver thought a minute. No. 421 had been out helping the other ferrets
get a skating rink ready and he was expected back tonight. He would
have to start this greeting by himself.

"Okay Bluebird," he said. "I'm here alone so give me the ticket and I
will see what I can do. Where are these ferrets now?" "The Receiving
Angel has them at skye's mound," she chirped. "You read de ticket and
see what you can do." And saying that, she waved a wing good-bye and
flew off.

Oliver had never done a greeting all alone and he was a little scared.
He wished No. 421 would hurry up and come home. He had been gone for
several days and he missed him.

"Well, I'd better see what I can do for these two ferrets," Oliver said
to himself, and closing the shed door, he walked slowly towards the
cabin. The ticket said there was a boy and girl ferret that had been
at the gate for a while looking for someone named Gideon. They had a
lot of relatives here. Oliver thought about the families he knew, and
decided the relatives must be that crew down by the spring. They were
a close-knit family, and there was one their named Gideon. Pulling on
his boots, he stoked the stove and closed it up so the cabin would be
warm when he got back. Slowly Oliver started out for the spring.

About half way there he heard someone laughing and having fun. He
turned and walked in the direction of the dooking. A whole family of
ferrets were sliding down a hill through the dusting of snow and onto
some ice. It sure looked like fun.

"Hey fellas" he shouted. "Would anyone know a fella named Stitch and a
girl named Jazzy?"

Everyone stopped what they were doing. A big ferret came forward and
leaned over to talk to Oliver. "Stitch and Jazzy lived in the house
where I lived at one time," he said. "Why do you ask"? Oliver told the
big ferret he worked with a Bridge greeter and when a ferret crossed,
he usually was sent to find the family. "They are still waiting at the
gate with The Receiving Angel," he said. "I'll go back and see what I
can find out."

"Hey wait for me," the big ferret called. "My name is Gideon and I'll
go with you."

Back at the gate, Skye had just finished lunch for the three of them
and was picking up the dishes. He looked out the window and saw Oliver
coming down the path.

"Here comes Oliver now, and he has Gideon with him," Skye said. Stitch
was out of his chair and running to the door. "Gideon, Gideon, that you
Buddy," he said.? Gideon looked long and hard at the ferret running
toward him. "Gideon, its me Stitch," Stitch said.

The two ferrets hugged and dooked. And hugged some more. They high
pawed, rubbed shoulders, and dooked some more.

The five ferrets sat down for a hot chocolate before venturing out
in the cold again when there was another knock on the door and The
Receiving Angel rushed in.

"Thank you for finding the family," he said. "These two have been here
for several days. Thank you, Oliver for filling in for No. 421. I'll
be sure to tell him what a find job you did."

"I have a message from your Mom," the Angel said to Stitch and Jazzy.
"She said to tell you she was sorry she was not with you when you

Jazzy leaned over whispered to the Angel that she would like to get
a message to her Mom they had arrived, were invited to stay with a
wonderful ferret named Skye who was a fantastic host, and now they had
found Gideon who would take them to be with Cinnamon, Pepper, Sabrina,
Jillian, Marble, Wriggley, Zoe, Casper, Minka, Rosie, Casey, Snoopy,
Pebbles, Frosty, Precious, Bandit, Peanut, Sam, Rascal, Gideon, Bonnie
and Clyde.

"Tell her we miss her and we will wait for her to come and get us,"
she said.

Stitch and Jazzy wrapped their message with a big hug and lots of
kisses and handed it to The Receiving Angel who said he would see
it was delivered. "Shooting Star does the deliveries," he said. "You
might see her when you get to the Bridge."

After saying good-bye to The Receiving Angel and Skye, the three
ferrets left for home.

Gideon and Stitch were dooking as they walked, catching up on old
times, and Oliver was helping Jazzy down the steep path. He was holding
her paw.

"This is the way to my home," Oliver said when they reached the cutoff.
"Stop by and let No. 421 and me know how things are working out for
you." Everyone shook paws and Jazzy reached up and brushed a kiss on
Oliver's cheek. "Thank you for all you did," she said. "I can't wait
to see my family again."

When Oliver arrived at the cabin, No. 421 was just getting home. He had
stopped by The Receiving Angel to see if he had missed any calls. The
Receiving Angel told No. 421 how well Oliver handled the greeting and
he was pleased.

Oliver made some tea and No. 421 wrote in his logbook, Thanks to Oliver
the mission was accomplished. Thank you Boss -- I have a very capable

[Posted in FML 6908]